Good evening Trotter
And thank you for your informative and civil response.
You said......
“Modern translations fall short because men are "waxing worse and worse", but the KJV can be edited and revamped without this tainting it.”
Yes it can. Because with all it’s editing and revamping, it remains intact.
Continuing you said......
“Your reasoning is a combination of personal conviction and dogma from what I see, and is not really reasoning at all.”
Yes, yes yes. I do have convictions and I am dogmatic, when it comes to God’s Word.
(I think every Christian should be.)
But this doesn’t mean that I don’t use my mind.
One definition of “reasoning”, is: (The power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgements logically.)
I do this with God’s Word; From the standpoint that God in infinite and I am finite.
And although God does expect us to use our minds, to solve life’s problems, He never wants us to question His Word.
And as I have said; I believe that His Word has already been delivered to us.
And any additional research or discovery concerning His Word, is just not needed.
Next you said......
“What you say against anything other than the KJV does not apply to the KJV because it was written earlier. If being closer to the actual autographs is best you should be using the Vulgate and the Septuagint.”
Not exactly.
Yes, all my complaints, are with English translations that are not the KJV;
(But this is not because it simply happened to have been written before them
I see the KJV, as “God Word in the English language”.
I see it as something that had been established, long long ago.
Therefore, we already had God’s Word, before Wescott & Hort.
So what was their motivation, other than to cast doubt upon what was already accepted as God’s inspired Word.
Now for your 2nd paragraph......
“You claim that there's no way a bible translated today can compare with the KJV because men are "waxing worse and worse",....
Yes I do:
.....and yet the KJV is perfection even though it was translated by fallen men as well.”
Yes, the men who translated the KJV were fallen, but God’s Word is perfect.
(And I think that we can trust God, to enable the honest labors of fallen Christians, to accurately translate His Word.)
Also you said.....
“And that the various editions/revisions were only for typos and spelling errors... meaning it wasn't perfect, but was being edited by men who were "waxing worse and worse" than those who initially translated the KJV. Do you see the hypocrisy there?”
No, I don’t.....because:
The Biblical term we keep using: “waxing worse and worse": Tells us, that the earlier “honest labors” of Godly men, will be better than the later “honest labors” of Godly men.
With this said I prefer not to trust even the honest labors, of Godly men today;
In the area of changing the Bible in any way.
i.e. If an updated version of the KJV were announce, that promised that only the old words were replaced with updated words; I would most likely reject it, because of tremendous influence, modern textual criticism, has had on everyone in academia.
But not all the work done in this field, has been honest:
There is a lot of historical evidence, seriously questioning the integrity of Wescott & Hort: And as far as I can tell, all the changes made in the modern versions, are a result of their work.
As for this word “perfect”: As you have seen I have used it sparingly, if at all:
(The word perfect, seems to bring to mind a “facsimile”

And although I do trust the KJV, to be God Word, it is not a facsimile.
The word that I prefer is “infallible” (incapable of error):
Your next paragraph......
“God's word has never been lost. I realize that you do not accept the research done regarding biblical manuscripts, but that doesn't change the fact that there are some manuscripts that contain things that were not in the earlier manuscripts. Those extra words had to come from somewhere...”
It’s not that I don’t accept the research done regarding biblical manuscripts; I just see this research, as a big waste of time.
(Unless of course, your intent is to cast doubt upon God’s Word.)
But you do bring up a very interesting point:
“Those extra words had to come from somewhere”
What extra words:
As far as I can tell, all the Modern Versions, only remove words & verses & passages:
(Could you please inform me of any words, they have added.)
You continue.....
“The KJV wasn't double inspiration... and yet it alone is perfect? Hmmm... sounds like a bit of double talk there.”
No; It didn’t have to be inspired again, in order to be “an accurate translation of God’s Word”:
All that was required: Was honest labors of Godly Christian men, and accurate copies of the autographs, to translate from.
(And this is the main difference between the KJV and the MV’s.)
Here is another interesting statement you make.......
“"Can they be trusted?" I seriously doubt that you, or any other KJVO, would accept anything outside of the manuscripts used for the KJV (which no longer exist) as trustworthy. As for what evidence, the thousands of fragments and manuscripts discovered since the translating of the KJV... all of them.”
What exactly are you referring to, that (no longer exist), that was used to translate the KJV?
And as for all the fragments of manuscripts, that have been found:
As I have said, we already have God’s Word, so what’s the big deal.
Please forgive me, but I was flabergasted by your next statement.....
“Please don't feel sorry for me. I rest assured with where I stand. I check and verify everything possibly can; it's part of how my mind and gift mix work. And I have seen quite a few media articles that have claimed that very thing over the years... none have panned out yet.”
This was said in response to my pretend news flash......
“Ancient manuscript found, that proves the Bible to be a lie”
And you said........
“And I have seen quite a few media articles that have claimed that very thing over the years... none have panned out yet.”
As I stated, I flatly ignore such announcements, and classify them as open attacks upon God’s Word, intended to cast doubt in people’s minds about the Bible.
Our faith in God and His Word, needs to be such that such claims, don’t even have to be investigated.
(Not because we should be afraid of anything

But because of the absurdity of such claims.
Your next paragraph.........
“I am not questioning the bible, but I am questioning your reasons/reasoning regarding the KJV. Surely it is strong enough to stand on its own. I learned a long time ago to steer clear of dogmatism because it is mostly made up of man-made stuff that has been added on to the truth. That goes along with my generation in many ways and has proven to be very valuable in my Christian walk over the years.”
I agree: A lot of dogmatism, is “man made”.
But there is a clear reason why we should be dogmatic about God’s Word.......
Jeremiah 17:9-10
V.9 The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and dsperately wicked: who can know it?
V.10 I the LORD search the heart, try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.
God’s Word, is the only thing that can be trusted in this world.
“I am showing what questions the KJV. The KJV is God's word, yes... but it is not the sole repository for it in the English language. God's word will stand when all else has fallen... no matter what translation is is in.”
This is also interesting.
Why should you doubt that “the sole repository for it in the English language”?
Should Christians in the past, have doubted that the Bible was complete?
Should Christians today, be doubting that we have God’s completed Word?
As what point in time, should we expect the LORD to fulfil His promise, to preserve His Word?
And once again, all I see the MV’s doing, is removing words, verses & passages.
To be continued............