I don't know about Origen...Based upon their posted knowledge, would see those 2, along with john of japan as the textual critics here on Board!
Neither JOJ nor Logos (both of whose knowledge is perfectly respectable) are experts on Textual Criticism.
They don't have to be.
Isn't it enough that JOJ is an expert in Linguistics an authority on the Japanese language, at least Koine Greek etc...without pretending he's an expert on T.C?
Logos certainly knows as much, if not more, than anyone about the general KJVO debate.... a lot of it consists of what other scholars (and non-scholars) have asserted about the debate. A lot of that consists of knowing what others, scholars and non-scholars alike say about the question. He may know more than anyone on the planet what everyone from the respectable John Burgon to the most absurd Peter Ruckman have said on the topic, and probably has all those statements memorized. But that doesn't actually make him an expert on Textual Criticism itself.
For neither one is it their field of expertise, and they don't tend to claim it is.
You are way too easily impressed.
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