but is longsuffering to us-ward:
not to all the individuals of human nature,
for the persons intended by us
are manifestly distinguished from "some men" in the text,
and from scoffers, mocking at the promise of Christ's coming,
in the context, (
2 Peter 3:3 2 Peter 3:4 ) ;
and are expressly called beloved,
2 Peter 3:1 2 Peter 3:8 2 Peter 3:14 2 Peter 3:17 ) ;
and God's longsuffering towards them is their salvation,
2 Peter 3:15 ),
nor is it true of all men, that God is not willing that any of them should perish, and that every one of them should come to repentance,
since many of them do perish in their sins,
and do not come to repentance,
which would not be the case, if his determining will was otherwise;
besides, a society or company of men are designed,
to which the apostle himself belonged,
and of which he was a part;
and who are described, in his epistles, as the elect of God,
called out of darkness, into marvellous light,
and having obtained like precious faith with the apostles;
and must be understood either of God's elect among the Jews,
for Peter was a Jew, and they were Jews he wrote to;