I don't believe I have said v. 16 says anything directly about the death penalty. It does specifically speak to the attitudes that Christians are to have with the worst of sinners, even murderers like Paul.
It seems clear to me. In v.18, Paul says, "
This command I entrust to you Timothy, my son, ...." What command is Paul speaking of? Isn't it the command to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ in showing mercy with perfect patience with the worst of sinners, even murderers like Paul?
The example is perfect patience and mercy. That is an example for believers to follow, in context. We see in chp.2 v.1 Paul says, "
First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men...."
This is consistent with the command from v.16 to follow the example of our Lord in showing mercy with perfect patience to all men, even murderers like Paul.
The command, therefore, that Christians are to have an attitude of mercy with perfect patience with the worst of sinners can readily be applied to the issue of the death penalty. Support for the death penalty is contrary to that command, IMHO.
peace to you
