It is just a easy to ask why God gave men commandments knowing they couldn't not keep the commandments. They show us our own inability and point us to our need for God. The answer is the same, I suppose, for why God implemented the death penalty in the Old Testament. When Jesus came, He showed us we don't have the wisdom to implement the death penalty. The question isn't whether she deserved the death penalty under the Law, my brother. We all deserve the death penalty.
The requirements for implementing the death penalty are clearly changed by Jesus in John 8. He changes the requirements from "2 or 3 witnesses" to the "one without sin among you".
I notice you didn't address the specific command in I Tim. 1:16 that Christians are to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and show mercy with perfect patience toward the worst of sinners, even murderers like Paul.
Support for the death penalty is contrary to that very specific command.
peace to you
