I have not heard of the type of vaccine wars. Interesting.There is nastiness on both sides. Nastiness comes in many forms.
Now it is not even good enough to be vaccinated. It is starting to matter what brand of vaccine you received. Too many Moderna x3 people have started refusing to have close contact with anyone that has not also had Moderna x3. We have now entered the time when the poor become the untouchables, even if they agreed to be immunized with the only thing offered to them.
I'm not picking sides. The poor are not even considered a side, but are being treated the nastiest by both sides, no matter what they do.
I'm not sure what the poor has to do with it. We have a large homeless population in Augusta. They stay at the Salvation Army facility at night, but during the day they have to leave (except for meals). My church has a ministry with these people (several churches do).
But the homeless can also choose which vaccine they want. It is not about money. And insurance is not required.
I don't understand the status part with vaccine brands or how this has to do with the poor. You can walk into any clinic or pharmacy and choose between 3 vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, or J&J).
Most here want the Pfizer. I think because it was the 1st used and is the one that is FDA approved. But the choice is yours. Now you can even mix and match (I wouldn't).