So Luke, please share with us when you arrived at the level of education and scholarship that allows you the ability to teach the rest of us?
There is no date for this. There is a point at which one does not know something and then there is a point when he does. It is not something that can be written on a calendar.
And since I am not well educated eschatalogically, for example, you will not find me speaking authoritatively in any of these threads.
I am not qualified.
What is it that makes you a Spirit gifted teacher? Are you a Spirit gifted teacher?
The only thing that makes ANYBODY a Spirit Gifted ANYTHING is the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit who gifts someone to teach also leads that gifted person to learn at the feet of other Spirit gifted teachers BEFORE he goes to teaching.
Are you applying the same level of standards on yourself that you are applying to everyone else?
Finally. For years I preached on things I should not have been preaching on because I was not qualified to preach on those things.
That was a wicked thing for me to do but I was too ignorant and arrogant to consider that.
I used to preach absolutely dangerous and IDIOTIC things like all other versions of the Bible besides the KJV are of the devil.
I preached that it is an abomination for a woman to wear pants. an ABOMINATION!!!
I called myself a trinitarian but I preached Monarchialistic Modalism many times!!!!!
That was vile and evil and wicked for me to have done and it is the same for you and everyone else.
It is fine to preach what you REALLY know. It is EXTRAORDINARY wickedness for you to preach or teach that which you do NOT really know.