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The New Eve; "the mother of my Lord" [Luke 1:43]

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I searched an answer for your kind reply. It was very hard, but I think that I found one I present you humbly.

Honestly, I found no ONE LIVING PERSON in the entire world Who has a better understanding of Christianity, not only better than me, but also than all, He is my Lord and Master, JESUS CHRIST, from whom I learned throught His message in Matt.10:v.24-25, saying:
24 The disciple is not above his Master, nor the servant above his Lord.
25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord.

God bless you and your family

I said the world, Christ is in heaven.

That Vanity is the same answer we get from self-proclaimed prophets, self proclaimed poombahs, popes and self proclaimed saints.

Everyone believes their own pope and only God has a better understanding then themselves.

Give me the name of one person who has better understanding than you.

Name ONE LIVING PERSON in the entire world who has a better understanding of Christianity THAN YOU DO.

I said the world, Christ is in heaven.

Do you believe religious nuts are real? Cultists Crazy wanabe prophets who think they only got it right . They come a dime a dozen here.

You can probably do a search of me asking this question they all say God/Jesus. And none agree with each other.

Name ONE LIVING PERSON in the entire world who has a better understanding of Christianity THAN YOU DO.

Lets hear it. Can anyone top you as a saint?

church mouse guy

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If I understand your post, you are saying Mary, the Mother of God had original sin. If St. Mary had original sin when she conceived Jesus her Son, Jesus (having in addition to the nature of the Divine the nature of man), would now be born like every man with sin. That's anything but Scripture. Hebrew [Cf. 4:15; 1 John 3:5]. Consequently I hear you say Jesus Christ is born of sin - a condition beyond reality, unacceptable.

Here is an observation that is not doctrinal, but within the confines of doctrinal truth; evidence of Divine work within the physical nature of God’s own creation.

The personification of life starts at conception as human life starts. The male role in procreation merely delivers the 'spark of life' - nothing more. This is the sole function of male insemination. No genetic material remains with the mother's flesh. The 'spark' starts the generative division of cells forming the child from a single cell of the mother's flesh. It eventually forms a wholly rational individual being from a single embryo. The resulting life is indeed the flesh of its mother. The child's veins however are filled with blood generated within him; there is no transfer of blood from the mother to the child. It has long been understood this is the reason the child’s blood type can be different from the mother.

Science identifies fetomaternal cells trafficking in human life throughout the mother’s body. The child’s cells carrying DNA migrate through the walls of the womb lodging in the body of the mother. In some cases these cells live for only months in other cases several years. In the same way the fetomaternal microchimerism found in St. Mary would track eternal life, igniting a spiritual life wholly and completely blessing the mother. Unlike the cells of the human child having original sin and doomed to corruption, we can easily see the physical parallel fetal chimerism cells of Christ are the DNA of divinity and will never die, [God’s plan; Christ, who is God, is not created rather begotten]. Unlike pagan Gods our God is not made, rather begotten. Christ is the Personification of the Grace of Life moving through Mary's body and soul, her entire person is blessed as no other, she never knows sin.

The incarnate Christ, being one of us, a human, is begotten made in this same way as any man, except without sin. God provides the spark of life necessary to generate life, that life was the Personification of His Wisdom, the Logos, perfectly joined with flesh of St. Mary. Christ is the Personification of ‘eternal life' of all graces and our salvation, the blood of the Christ Child is the blood of eternal life. The Person of Christ found in Mary is filled with the living grace, the microchimer cells which are eternal as they come from the eternal host, the host of life.

If St. Mary was not born Immaculate, never knowing sin, then Jesus Christ could not occupy her womb, it would have killed Mary or her son. Sin is death, and our God would have been still born. Thus, St. Mary was born Immaculate, never having known sin.


Human DNA did not affect Jesus because God is without sin and Jesus lived a human life. He was the seed of the woman.

Do you believe that Mary is the co-redemtrix?


Human DNA did not affect Jesus because God is without sin and Jesus lived a human life. He was the seed of the woman.
While it doesn't have anything to do with DNA, it has everything to do with His humanity. How do you suppose Jesus Christ was born of the flesh of evil without being, so to speak, "a made God/man"?

Do you believe that Mary is the co-redemtrix?

I understand co-redemtrix as co-operation with Jesus Christ, many could fit this title but St. Mary fits it best. Yes, I believe St. Mary is the co-redemtrix.

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church mouse guy

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While it doesn't have anything to do with DNA, it has everything to do with His humanity. How do you suppose Jesus Christ was born of the flesh of evil without being, so to speak, "a made God/man"?

I understand co-redemtrix as co-operation with Jesus Christ, many could fit this title but St. Mary fits it best. Yes, I believe St. Mary is the co-redemtrix.


Okay, thanks for the answers.

Jesus assumed the physical characteristics of Mary so that He resembled her. However, Jesus is God eternal so He was not harmed by her attributes. Since His birth is a miracle because Joseph is not his physical father, part of the miracle is the Incarnation itself. Mary is the greatest woman ever to live but she was not the most beautiful as Eve was perfect when created. Mary had a couple of lapses off the top of my head. She and Joseph took Jesus to Jerusalem and forgot and left Him there. What kind of mother is that? Call welfare. Secondly, she requested the wine at the wedding when Jesus said that it was not His time.

Co-redemtrix is not dogma, as you know.

It is thought that Mary died in 48 AD according to New Advent. The wages of sin is death.

Is the Pope considered the king of the earth?


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Nebuchadnezzar was called King of Kings, fact not assumption. Jesus Christ is called King of Kings, fact not assumption. Mary is Queen of Heaven, fact not assumption.

The significance of Mary Queen of heaven can be found in Scripture, but only if you understand the significance of the person Mary and Jesus Christ. These two are very special species of man. Mary, created immaculate in the womb of her mother never knew sin. Her birth is the promise and the hope that we too will become like her, a New Eve. The salvation she received through Christ is the very salvation we hope to receive, re-capturing a semblance original justice; or if you please the removal of original sin. This is only done perfectly in the Baptismal founts of the Catholic Church. After receiving this grace, it becomes ours to keep and to exercise in the discipline of faith.

Mary is called Queen of Heaven because of her relationship with her Son; simply her son is the recipient of the Kingdom on earth and the Kingdom in heaven. Her relationship is identical to Bathsheba's relationship the inheritor of David's Kingdom Solomon. Solomon could not deny his queen mother any favor she asked of him as she sat on the throne at his right side. [Cf. 3 Kings 2:17-25] As Solomon is David's son inheriting the throne, so too is Jesus Christ the Son of David. God sends Gabriel who first addresses her has being exceeding blessed 'full of grace', blessed among women. But then Gabriel tell this child she will give a virgin birth to a the Male heir of the throne of David, 'His father, and will reign over the house of Jacob for ever – in case you don't know that's a long time to come. Christ is King of His Kingdom on earth, the Catholic Church, and His Kingdom in Heaven. Mary is the queen of both those Kingdoms and sits at His right side just as Bathsheba, David's spouse sat at the right hand of her son. David the King forsaw things to come writing the psalm:

A canticle for the Beloved. . .Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a sceptre of uprightness. Thou hast loved justice, and hated iniquity: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Myrrh and stacte and cassia perfume thy garments, from the ivory houses: out of which the daughters of kings have delighted thee in thy glory. The queen stood on thy right hand, in gilded clothing; surrounded with variety.​

Hearken, O daughter, and see, and incline thy ear: and forget thy people and thy father's house. And the king shall greatly desire thy beauty; for he is the Lord thy God, and him they shall adore. (Psalm 45:7-11)​

She is the only human that I know of as kecharitomene, “most favored or highly favored”; a verb describing something that happened to a noun, in the past tense (past perfect participle of charitoo) and continues until this day. The 'perfect' action of the participle is considered to have been completed before the time of the speaker and having an effect today and will continue in the future. Hence when we could translate the phrase “Hail, Mary full of grace” to highly favored in the present we would need to add, “Always”. The Salvific grace was given to Mary prior to the annunciation remains at the annunciation and its radiance remains to this very day today.

No assumption on my part, do you want to revisit your part?


That "queena hevvin" jive comes from the "mystery, babylon" religion created by Nimrod & Semiramis. They simply replaced Semiramis with Mary.


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While it doesn't have anything to do with DNA, it has everything to do with His humanity. How do you suppose Jesus Christ was born of the flesh of evil without being, so to speak, "a made God/man"?

I understand co-redemtrix as co-operation with Jesus Christ, many could fit this title but St. Mary fits it best. Yes, I believe St. Mary is the co-redemtrix.



There's but ONE redeemer & mediator between God & man, & that's JESUS.

church mouse guy

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That "queena hevvin" jive comes from the "mystery, babylon" religion created by Nimrod & Semiramis. They simply replaced Semiramis with Mary.

Some Christians think that Nimrod is Sargon of Akkad. See how quickly men reverted to evil immediately after the Noahic Flood


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Some Christians think that Nimrod is Sargon of Akkad. See how quickly men reverted to evil immediately after the Noahic Flood

Nimrod was, according to Scripture, a founder of Akkad, so Sargon may have been his descendant. semiramis was Nimrod's wife, and there are some legends that she was his mother. (However, I've found those stories to likely be apocryphal.)

Semiramis was the founder, with Nimrod's help, of the "mystery, Babylon" religion. She became queen of Babylon after Nimrod's death, & continued as head of her religion, taking on the title "queen of heaven". She was the "queena hevvin" some Jews of Jeremiah's time made cakes in honor of, & burned incense to. Her son by Nimrod, Tammuz, was the one the Jewish women of that time wept for. That religion continued on in various forms, & some early RCs likely simply switched Mary with Semiramis to make their baloney more-acceptable.

There's absolutely NO Scripture ascribing perpetual virginity to Mary, (That idea likely came from early Christians who'd previously worshipped Athena or Minerva.) nor any assigning her as co-redemptrix or mediatrix with Jesus. (Likely, more "mystery, Babylon" jive. Remember, mystery, babylon is assigned to the harlot of Rev. 17.)

The only thing extraordinary about Mary was that she bore Jesus while still a virgin.


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Okay, thanks for the answers.

Jesus assumed the physical characteristics of Mary so that He resembled her. However, Jesus is God eternal so He was not harmed by her attributes. Since His birth is a miracle because Joseph is not his physical father, part of the miracle is the Incarnation itself. Mary is the greatest woman ever to live but she was not the most beautiful as Eve was perfect when created. Mary had a couple of lapses off the top of my head. She and Joseph took Jesus to Jerusalem and forgot and left Him there. What kind of mother is that? Call welfare. Secondly, she requested the wine at the wedding when Jesus said that it was not His time.

Co-redemtrix is not dogma, as you know.

It is thought that Mary died in 48 AD according to New Advent. The wages of sin is death.

Is the Pope considered the king of the earth?

"Jesus assumed the physical characteristics of Mary"

Whoa whoa whoa.

You making it sound like Jesus teleported into his mother's womb. or entered and she is just a untraditional surrogate.

Angel says to Mary:

Luke 1

31“And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.

SHE WILL CONCEIVE. Jesus will conceive? Joseph will conceive? Holy spirit will conceive? God will conceive?


And Even MARY says how is that going to happen I am a virgin. Mary is empowered.

34Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” 35The angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God. 36“And behold, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. 37For nothing will be impossible with God.38And Mary said, “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

"may it be done to me according to your word."

Also SHE agreed to comply.

I'd like to hear the rundown of when Mary is "SAVED" at all. Cause even down to her AGREEMENT she never had the holy spirit. was never saved. and plenty of you would write off as totally depraved.


Well-Known Member
The last several posts demonstrate how the Catholic Church's Marian dogmas safeguard orthodox Christology and Trinitarian theology. Those are the first things to go as soon as one starts attacking the Mother of God.


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Got down to a mathematical mumbo jumbo have you? How many 7's in 49? What is the cube root of 9?
phi is
1.6 so maybe round the astrological constant of pi Paulus II is only 86 years. Is there anywhere in here for the Truth = God?

Since you've got it all by numerological science, what will tomorrow be like - got a big day at the office maybe I should wear my good suit?

Seems you do not know the Holy Scriptures
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I referred to Revelation 17:v.9-10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
10 And there are seven KINGS: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. (That is 42 months, no more, no more)

Who are these 7 "Kings"? The 7 kings are a lineage of Popes.

But why does Revelation call these leaders and religious guides of the Roman Catholic Church as "kings"? Remember: The things revealed in the book of Revelation were written around the year 95, the function or the title "Pope" was not yet used at that time, understand?

And who are these 7 "kings" , and what are the NAME of each one of them in the religious hierarchy of the idolater Church of the Beast, the Roman Catholic Church?

I will say who are them and their NAMES as follow:

These 7 "Kings" are of a lineage of Popes nicknamed as Paulus, as follow:

Paulus I - 29 May 757 – 28 June 767 - (10 years, 30 days)

Paulus II - 30 August 1464 – 26 July 1471 - (6 years, 330 days)

Paulus III - 13 October 1534 – 10 Nov 1549 - (15 years, 28 days)

Paulus IV - 23 May 1555 – 18 Aug 1559 - (4 years, 87 days)

Paulus V - 16 May 1605 – 28 Jan 1621 - (15 years, 257 days)

Paulus VI - 21 June 1963 – 6 Aug 1978 - (15 years, 46 days)

Paulus VII - This seventh "king" and last Pope is not yet come; and when he cometh, he MUST continue a short space, i.e. 42 months or 1,260 days, no more, no more, as it is determined by the written Word of God-Revelation 13:v.5-, the Word is God, do you understand?

Note: We are in the year 2,019 in accord Christian calendar. The prophecy of Revelation is very advanced in the time, today we can and MUST say that the above SIX of the 7 "kings" have fallen, it means, they already died. And are destined to eternal perdition, to the hell's fire.

IN THE OTHER HAND, I see that you are the one who like to do calculations like these in your post.

Speaking of math and calculations, don't you happen to know who the Man or the Beast is whose number by his name is counted six hundred threescore and six? 6 ......... 6 .......... 6

See, many students and speculators say that this Beast "666" is the Pope, because he presents himself as Vicarivs Filii Dei, 666 in Roman numerals. In addition the Beast has 7 heads represented by 7 hills, and plus 10 horns, so, it is a religious MONSTER, and students and speculators say they are the 7 hills of Rome - Vatican City. I desagree of these two theories.

These two exemples are mere coincidence, they do not represent the true reality;

Firstly because "Vicarivs Filii Dei" is not a name of a Man, it is a religious functional title;

Second the 7 mountains or hills of Vatican City where the Beast-the Pope- is enthroned as the ruler and guide of the Roman Catholic Church, the Woman, the Great Whore, which rides upon the Pope -the Beast- yes, the 7 hills of Rome represent not at all the territorial size of the physical and religious structural extent of the Roman Catholic Church. The territorial and spiritual structures of the RCC is sat in whole earth.

Actually the 7 mountains are based specificaly in the 7 regions of the earth, not only in Rome, ie in Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania (Australia), North America, and Central America, and South America.

There is a deep detail: In the year 95, date of the book of Revelation, only the regions of Europe, Asia and Africa were known, therefore, the regions Oceania (Australia), North America, Central America, and South America, were not known as they are today, the biblical description is prophetic, do you understand?

In a while, believe you or not, you will receive a signal on your right hand or forehead to make your purchases. No one can buy or sell unless he has this sign on his right hand or forehead, or the NAME (with surnames of parents at his birth) of the Beast, or the NUMBER of his NAME.

Evidently is about the name and surname of this MAN or this Beast, given by the parents at birth, and as for his number is 6 ..... 6 ..... 6.

I see that you are the one who like to do calculations like these in your post, and you can find hundreds or thousands of names or titles like "Vicarivs Filii Dei" that result falsely in 6 .... 6 .... 6 or suggest to, but we must not forget that only A NAME is true, knowing that the number of his name is six hundred three scores and six - 6 ..... 6 ..... 6 .

Who is this religious Beast? Remember: This Man is not the Pope.

What is the name (first and last name) of the Man translated from the number six hundred and threescore and 6 ---> 6 .... 6 .... 6 <--- which according to the Bible identifies and indicates who is the Beast? Rmember, the 666 is not the Pope.

I am waiting not only from you, but everyone who wants to participate in solving this issue. Thanks

Wesley Briggman

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If you believe in the Trinity then you are obliged by faith to believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary must be Immaculate and the mother of God as an imperative to Christianity (beyond papal decree).

"...you are obliged ..."
Not this Child of God!

Was Mary sinless? Was Mary without sin? | GotQuestions.org
To help bolster their teaching that Mary was sinless, the Roman Catholic Church has invented the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception (formally accepted as Catholic dogma in 1854). According to this false teaching, Mary was, from her very conception in her mother’s womb, “preserved free from all stain of original sin.” That is, Mary had no sinful nature. This doctrine is neither biblical nor necessary. The virgin-born Christ Jesus was free from the stain of original sin, but it was not necessary for His mother to be—or His grandmother—or His great-grandmother, etc. How far back would we have to go to insure Jesus’ perfection, if it were necessary for Mary to be sinless?

church mouse guy

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"Jesus assumed the physical characteristics of Mary"

Whoa whoa whoa.

You making it sound like Jesus teleported into his mother's womb. or entered and she is just a untraditional surrogate.

Angel says to Mary:

Luke 1

31“And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.

SHE WILL CONCEIVE. Jesus will conceive? Joseph will conceive? Holy spirit will conceive? God will conceive?


And Even MARY says how is that going to happen I am a virgin. Mary is empowered.

34Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” 35The angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God. 36“And behold, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. 37For nothing will be impossible with God.38And Mary said, “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

"may it be done to me according to your word."

Also SHE agreed to comply.

I'd like to hear the rundown of when Mary is "SAVED" at all. Cause even down to her AGREEMENT she never had the holy spirit. was never saved. and plenty of you would write off as totally depraved.

I really can't take you seriously. I suppose that you are like Rick Warren, who said that if you like Jesus, then you will like Pope Francis.


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I really can't take you seriously. I suppose that you are like Rick Warren, who said that if you like Jesus, then you will like Pope Francis.

Thats because satan worshippers ignore everyone unlike themselves. Runs in their biggot blood. Like nazi who won't acknowledge anything a jew says. Basic Evil.

church mouse guy

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Thats because satan worshippers ignore everyone unlike themselves. Runs in their biggot blood. Like nazi who won't acknowledge anything a jew says. Basic Evil.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Probably you went to a public school and didn't learn how to discuss issues so you resort to vulgarity and absurdity.


Well-Known Member
Don't be so hard on yourself. Probably you went to a public school and didn't learn how to discuss issues so you resort to vulgarity and absurdity.

If you went to a private school, perhaps you should inquire about a refund. (The sentence underlined above is grammatically incorrect.)


"...you are obliged ..."
Not this Child of God!

Was Mary sinless? Was Mary without sin? | GotQuestions.org
To help bolster their teaching that Mary was sinless, the Roman Catholic Church has invented the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception (formally accepted as Catholic dogma in 1854). According to this false teaching, Mary was, from her very conception in her mother’s womb, “preserved free from all stain of original sin.” That is, Mary had no sinful nature. This doctrine is neither biblical nor necessary. The virgin-born Christ Jesus was free from the stain of original sin, but it was not necessary for His mother to be—or His grandmother—or His great-grandmother, etc. How far back would we have to go to insure Jesus’ perfection, if it were necessary for Mary to be sinless?

"GotQuestions" has a long history of getting history incorrect and a long ways to go before they get God's truth right. When the doctrine was adopted is meaningless, it is only the date at which time all Catholics are obliged to adhere to the doctrine. The belief the Immaculate Conception is from the first century and has always been key in understanding soteriology and christology. The adage is that Mary magnifies the Lord. One does not see the perfection of the sacrificial Lamb except though Mary.

Mary never knew sin. If she had the Jesus Christ you call Lord is nothing but a real nice guy, or perhaps worse a magician - is that the God you believe is your savior? .

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Don't be so hard on yourself. Probably you went to a public school and didn't learn how to discuss issues so you resort to vulgarity and absurdity.

There was no vulgarity, absurdity or insult in what I said. I apologize if you are taking it the wrong way.

Wesley Briggman

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When the doctrine was adopted is meaningless, it is only the date at which time all Catholics are obliged to adhere to the doctrine.

"...date at which time all Catholics are obliged...". I am glad you limited the obligation to Catholics.

Was Mary Sinless?
"If Mary never sinned, why did God give the high priesthood of the church to Jesus instead of her? In fact, the declaration of the Hebrews writer would lose its power if someone else had already achieved sinless perfection.

Mary herself acknowledged this great doctrinal truth, i.e., that all have sinned and are in need of a Savior. She declared: “And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior” (Luke 1:47, emp. added)."


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There's but ONE redeemer & mediator between God & man, & that's JESUS.

Exactly what the Catholic Church teaches! You do not understand the word 'mediatrix'. You are equivocating it with the ONE REDEEMER & MEDIATOR, Jesus Christ.
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