Originally posted by TexasSky:
I do believe in the entire bible.
You have expressed doubts that the bible is the inspired word of God. If it is not, it is a work of fiction or a lie. In either case, if you do not believe God inspired it, you cannot really believe it. It is a simple equation. Either it is inspired of God, or it is blaspheme because it teaches things as if they are of God.
I never claimed that things like Sunday School are commanded by God. That has nothing to do with my belief in God's word.
The bible says to make a joyful noise before the Lord, to enter His presence with joy and thanksgiving. There is indication in the old testament that included some musical instrumentation. Therefore, if people want to sing, shout or play music to praise God, I support them 100%.
The bible has always encouraged people to study God's word. It has always encouraged fellowship. Whether you do that in a private home or in a church building is, to me, irrelevant, as long as you do both.
Is my church based on the New Testament example? Let's see. We gather together in Christian love and fellowship. We study and teach the gospel of Christ. We lift one another up in prayer. We praise and worship God. Sounds pretty biblical to me.
You are very Christian, Texas Ski.
You have constantly misrepresented me. I did not say the entire Bible is NOT God-breathed.
I asked: The New Testament...Is it inspired Scripture ?
I expected Scriptural answers from supposedly spiritual people that without a doubt proves that the New Testament is God-breathed, God-inspired.
I played the cynic in order to elicit deeper and more spiritual responses. Bible-based. Undoubtedly showing by scripture that, yes, the Epistles of Paul are God-inspired, and so of Peter, and the others.
No, I get answers that infringe on the integrity of my spiritual condition. And you outright call me a liar. Such Christian love leaves me speechless !
I showed that by research I can only come up with somebody, Woodrow Kroll, who, by the way, is Arminian as Arminian can ever be, but whom I respect saying that
man and not God chose which were to be regarded as God-breathed.
You claim that Sunday School has nothing to do with your belief in God's word, but you want me to blindly accept the teaching that all Scripture was given by inspiration of God includes the entire New Testament ?
Where in the New Testament does it change God's word in the Old Testament that the responsibility of bringing up children in the fear and admonition of the Lord belongs to the
parents and not the Sunday School ?
Perhaps the Bereans were not saved, right ? They examined the Scriptures before accepting what was taught to them, by [b[ Paul,[/b] of all people, and perhaps Luke was wrong in referring to them as more noble than some ?
You tell me of musical instruments and of making a joyful noise, yet you quote from the Old Testament, but no doubt claim that your pattern of worship is that of the New Testament church.
As for the church building, I merely wanted to point out that the claim 'I believe the Bible 100%' is simply exagerrated. Nobody does that. Paul could not even obey Agabus' warning, when the indication was clearly from the Holy Spirit.
Believe includes assent, obedience, and submission.
And it proved my point. When it is convenient, we will change the pattern, even if Jesus Himself started it.
As for your church following New Testament example, why, even JW's say that, you know.