Lets go over this list (which I found the link
https://faithinyhvh.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/the-two-are-the-same/) of the doctrines of the pagan sun gods and look closely and you can see how false doctrines and corruption entered the church in this comparison:
1. The Midsummer festival of the Pagan was held on June 24 of each year.
The Nativity of St. John is held every year on June 24 by Papal Rome.
2. The assumption of
Semiramus who became the mother godess of all Pagans.
The assumption of Mary, who became worshipped as the mother of God rather than just a good woman.
3. The mother goddess was given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18
The Virgin Mary is given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven by Papal Rome.
4.The "Queen of Heaven" is wrath subduer of the Pagan god.
Mary, "Queen of Heaven" subdues the wrath of Christ and His Father against sinners.
5. Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19
Hot cross buns are backed for Mary in most Roman Catholic churches
6. 40 days fasting before Easter for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14
The fast of 40 days (Lent) before Easter is doctrine with no scripture to support it.
7. Sexual festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16
The Roman Catholic
church initiated the sexual festival of Easter first in Christiandom.
8. The resurrection of Tammuz on Easter, and the procession of graven images during Easter holy week
All Roman Catholic churches parade partake in processions of graven images of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints during Easter week
9. Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens
All Roman Catholic churches venerate graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens.
10. The belief of the constant immortality of the soul, and burning place of eternal torment.
Rome teaches the belief of immortality of the soul and a burning place of eternal torment.
11. Pagans believed in the doctrine of purgatory.
Papal Rome teaches the doctrine of purgatory.
12. The belief of the dead visiting the living on a certain day each year. A feast is then held for all the dead on first day of November.(Called all souls day).
Papal Rome teaches they must hold a festival for the dead on all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 of each year.
13. Burning candles to the gods Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11.
Papal Rome, has the people burn candles in their "masses".
14. Chants and repetitive prayers. Beaded prayer chains.
Papal Rome uses chants and the beaded prayer chains.(Rome calls the chant "Gregorian chant" and the beaded chained "Rosary").
15. Pagans wear amulets and idols to scare away evil spirits.
Roman Catholicism teaches the wearing of crucifixes and medals as a method of protection. The scapular is proof of that fact.
16. Pagan's would paint the child Tammuz and his mother Semiramus with the glory of the Sun around their heads.
Rome paints the child Jesus and his mother Mary with halos of the Sun around their heads.
19. Pagan's performed infant baptism, and the sprinkling of holy water.
Papal Rome practices infant baptism, as well as the sprinkling of holy water.
20. Pagans taught Necromancy (Talking to the dead).
Papal Rome teaches Mysticism (Novenas/prayers to the dead).
21. The first day of the week kept sacred to honor the sun god Mithra. The name of the day was changed to "SUN"day .
Papal Rome admitted they changed the Sabbath from day 7 to day one in honor of "SUN"day.
22. The title Pontifex Maximus was given to the chief head of the pagan Babylonian system of idolatry.
The title Pontifex Maximus is the main title of the Popes of Rome.
23. Pagan gods (Janus and Cybele) were believed to be holders of the keys to Heaven and Hell.
The pope claims to have the keys of Peter or Heaven and Hell within his clutches.
24. The Pagan high priest king is believed to be the incarnate of the Sun god.
The Pope proclaims to be Jesus Christ in the flesh on Earth.
30. Pagans often placed stone carving of Gargoils upon their roofs as a pagan god of protection
The Vatican as well as thousands of Catholic churches across the globe have gargoils on their roofs
31. Large poles or Phallic symbols were placed on the roofs, or in courtyards of pagan temples.
The Vatican has the largest phallic symbol in the middle of St Peter's square and many other of their churchs.
32. The Solar wheel is a symbol for Baal and was given reverence by the Pagans of old. This wheel can be found carved into ancient as well as modern Buddhist temples and carved into ancient ornamental form representing Osiris.
St Peter's square has largest solar wheel on the planet. ALL Catholic churches have numerous solar wheels in stain glass windows as well as many other areas of the church. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris sports a very huge one on it's face. There is a great one in ceiling as well as the floor tiles of the monastery of St. Ignatius Loyola in Spain. Numerous paintings, statues, ornaments, and letterheads of all Catholic churches have one or more "solar wheels" depicted upon them. And the ONE WORLD CHURCH that started on June 26, 2000 uses the solar wheel as its official logo on their letterhead
33. Archeologists have found numerous pagan carvings of the serpent in many places including Rome bath houses.
The symbol of serpent can also be found on numerous Catholic churches in door handles, Papal crests, etc.
34. Pagans have depicted "Atlas" as carrying the universe on his shoulders. They would place a large globe upon his shoulders.
Numerous Popes have been depicted in paintings in the exact same manner. There are also some paintings and statues of Mary doing same.
35. Pagans used the symbols of the "Unicorn, Peacock, and Phoenix" to signify some of their sun gods, and statues of a 'Madonna'..
Symbols of the "Unicorn, Peacock, and Phoenix" used to symbolize the "communion" of Christ are found carved in gold in many churches on doors or chapels as well as the small sanctuary buildings housing the Eucharist or wafer god of Rome. The statues of a "Madonna" can be found in all Pagan churches as well as the Egyptian Madonna, Isis, with her son Horus, or Hindu churches with Divaki and her son Krishna
Mary is found in all Catholic churches holding baby Jesus wearing the same clothing, as well as Jesus making the same hand signals.