Thomas..Are those on this board that argue in favor of the reformed Calvinist doctrine of election unto salvation and state that those those who are not convinced have no understanding even though they (the non-Calvinists) are trusting in the cross of Christ, are those (the Calvinists on BB) themselves members of the this special elect class? If they are, how do they know this?
Are those on this board that are trusting in Christ (as per John 1:12) but believe in unlimited atonement and/or allow for some free will in accepting Christ, are those condemned to everlasting hell with the unbelievers?
Is belief in TULIP a condition for salvation?
Is denial of some or all of TULIP by an individual now declared disqualified for salvation regardless of how much that person believes and confesses Christ Crucified?
Some are moving toward it, some are moving away from it.
God is the judge.
When people deny the trinity do they go to heaven?
Does a moralist go to heaven?
Does a person who says they believe in Jesus, but has a works gospel go?
Does a person deny the doctrines of grace 24/7 make it?
God is the judge, but I will not encourage any such person that they are in a good place.