It is different in just about every possible way.
1. The child is a sinner; the Lord Jesus is not.
2. The child is deserving of punishment; the Lord Jesus is not.
3. The Lord Jesus is God; the child is not.
4. The Lord Jesus Christ is bearing the sins of others; the child is not.
And so on.
The one similarity is that the child's father (we hope) loves the child and is not 'pouring out his wrath' upon him, but chastising him to correct him. The Lord Jesus, of course, needs no correction, but
'the chastisement for our peace was upon Him.'
Christ was bearing our sin (1 Peter 2:24) and receiving the punishment due to us for it to satisfy the justice of God. What I have said is that God's wrath was against sin, not against Christ, who never ceased to be the Beloved Son.
You are confusing wrath and punishment. You need to put your thoughts in order.
And that comment is the reason why I find myself unable to discuss with you. The temptation to answer one pathetic insult with another becomes too great. Therefore this is my last post on this thread which BTW you opened for me without asking me. If I had wanted to open a new thread, I would have done so.
Scripture is absolutely sufficient. It teaches that the Lord Jesus was not some sort of divine whipping boy for God, which seems to be what you are suggesting, but that He was satisfying the justice of God. I repeat what I wrote before. If Christ has not paid the penalty for my sins, and yours in full, nothing is more certain than that we shall have to pay it myself. Otherwise how is God going to be
'just, and the justifier of the one who believes in Jesus' (
Romans 3:26)? How is He going to be
'faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness' (
1 John 1:9)?
'....Whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His demonstrate at the present time His justice' (Romans 3:25-26).