Deflection on display.
The Bible teaches:
1) God alone credits a believer's faith as righteousness or not. Romans 4:4-5; Romans 4:23-24.
2) God alone puts people in Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:30
But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption,
3) When placed in Christ (in Him, in Jesus, in the Beloved, etc) the problem of sin is solved, the sin burden, what God holds against the individual due to sin, is removed because of the precious blood of Jesus.
To deny these facts is to deny the very gospel of Christ.
The fiction of automatic salvation when you believe should not be tolerated. Matthew 7 clearly teaches people can think they are "believers" and yet they were never put into Christ. The second and third soils of Matthew 13 believed to a degree, but they were never put into Christ, because they fell away. (Those that leave us were never of us.) The same fiction also is present with the idea that if you pay the ransom, those ransomed are automatically redeemed. The actual doctrine is God has purchased the right to redeem whom ever He pleases, and it pleases Him to redeem those of His choosing, those whose faith He credits as righteousness.