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Actually, I am A-Mil, as in I don't think the 1,000 years of Rev 21 is to be taken literally. I just also believe that most of the "End Times" prophecies have been fulfilled.Why not just be A Mil?
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Actually, I am A-Mil, as in I don't think the 1,000 years of Rev 21 is to be taken literally. I just also believe that most of the "End Times" prophecies have been fulfilled.Why not just be A Mil?
Because that was a different event. it was part of the "days of vengeance" against that generation of Jews.If the saints are to be kept from the hour of trial, why tell them to flee to the mountains?
Only in some people's imaginations."World", as used in this context, refers to the Roman Empire.
Obviously, preterism was invented by men & is false.If you would correctly interpret the Scriptures, or at least set your "anti-Preterist" prejudice aside, you might be able to see what should be obvious.
While there are plenty of man-made doctrines out there, the Partial Preterist view is accepted as an orthodox eschatological position by most Christian denominations.
What is main difference between partial Preterism and A Mil then?Actually, I am A-Mil, as in I don't think the 1,000 years of Rev 21 is to be taken literally. I just also believe that most of the "End Times" prophecies have been fulfilled.
The Greta Tribulation was NOT AD 70 and Israel, as far as I know, not a worldwide event!Because that was a different event. it was part of the "days of vengeance" against that generation of Jews.
Only in some people's imaginations.
Obviously, preterism was invented by men & is false.
JESUS HIMSELF proves the standard partial pret myth false:
Matt. 24:29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Obviouslt, those events haven't yet happened, so if the trib has already occurred, Jesus is long-overdue.
Also, notice He said "all the tribes of the EARTH", not just the tribes of Israel. That's in keeping with His later statement in Rev that every eye will see His return.
See how easy it is to prove the preterism myth false? You're smart; you should see the falsehood in it with the same ease I do. I have three encyclopediae in fronta me, & not one of them has any account of any of the eschatological events in it.
Haw! What a typo; Greta was my mom's name ! She woulda thought it hilarious!The Greta Tribulation was NOT AD 70 and Israel, as far as I know, not a worldwide event!
Actually, I am A-Mil, as in I don't think the 1,000 years of Rev 21 is to be taken literally. I just also believe that most of the "End Times" prophecies have been fulfilled.
To the contrary, the "days of vengeance" is the exact same event; this is the time frame for the entire Olivet Discourse. That is why Christians could escape by fleeing to the mountains.Because that was a different event. it was part of the "days of vengeance" against that generation of Jews.
To the contrary, the tribulation of those days ended in AD 70. The "cosmic language" (darkened sun, moon, falling stars) is prophetic (figurative) language. Heavenly bodies often symbolize earthly rulers and governments. See Ezekiel 5:9 and Isaiah 13:9-10 for examples of this type of prophetic language.JESUS HIMSELF proves the standard partial pret myth false:
Matt. 24:29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.".
Obviously, those events haven't yet happened, so if the trib has already occurred, Jesus is long-overdue.
To discuss Rev. 1:7, "All the tribes of the Earth" is properly translated as "all the tribes of the Land" (of Israel). The will "see" could also mean "to comprehend or understand". Also, note that the "tribes" will see Him - Israel has tribes, but not the whole world. Finally, the phrase "even those who pierced Him" does not refer to a distant future generation, but could only refer to 1st Century Israel, who had Christ crucified. Incidentally, in verse 9, John refers to himself as a "fellow partaker in the tribulation". This makes it clear the tribulation was in his day, not our future.Also, notice He said "all the tribes of the EARTH", not just the tribes of Israel. That's in keeping with His later statement in Rev that every eye will see His return.
If it was that easy to "prove" preterism to be false, why has it remained such a popular view for centuries? I do not look in encyclopedia for fulfilled prophesies, but history. It's our job to recognize when history is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. I really do recognize that you are a very learned man, and I know you have given your views a great deal of study and prayer. We clearly will not agree when it comes to the "end times" or the rapture. All the best to you, good sir.See how easy it is to prove the preterism myth false? You're smart; you should see the falsehood in it with the same ease I do. I have three encyclopediae in fronta me, & not one of them has any account of any of the eschatological events in it.
Disclaimer - I am no theologianWhat is main difference between partial Preterism and A Mil then?
Yes. Why do you ask? I'm not sure I see any co-relation between this and my view of eschatology.Is "eternal life" to be taken literally?
Think RC Sproul moved to that view before his death....Disclaimer - I am no theologianAs I understand them, an "amillennialist" is one who does not believe the millennium of Rev 21 to be a literal 1,000 years. Partial Preterists believe that most prophesies in the Bible (especially regarding the "end times" were fulfilled with the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem. Many (most?) Partial Preterists hold the "amillennial" view, but not everyone who holds the A-Mil view believes in any form of Preterism. Clear as mud???
I believe you are correct. Sproul wrote "The Last Days According to Jesus", where he discusses the Partial Preterist view. I highly recommend this, and could easily name several more.Think RC Sproul moved to that view before his death....
I tend to see the Prophets though in a more literal fashion, and that the Messianic Age has not yet arrived, as that will be like Paradise restored!I believe you are correct. Sproul wrote "The Last Days According to Jesus", where he discusses the Partial Preterist view. I highly recommend this, and could easily name several more.
Yes. Why do you ask? I'm not sure I see any co-relation between this and my view of eschatology.
By "Messianic Age", I take it you mean the reign of Christ. That being the case, Paradise would be restored indeed.I tend to see the Prophets though in a more literal fashion, and that the Messianic Age has not yet arrived, as that will be like Paradise restored!
All Christians believe in a literal eternal life. Many Christians do not believe in a literal millennium. I don't see any problems or conflicts. A lot of Revelation is written in symbolic language. For that matter, a lot of prophecies in general use symbolic language.Because that's a major part of eschatology-- the result thereof, or the final part, as far as we know. But if some parts are not literal, any may not be.
No, it isn't. First, there were some 8 months between the Roman sieges, while Jesus urged a speedy escape from the coming event. And we see His prophecy about the days of vengeance was directed mainly against the Jews in Jerusalem, although almost all Jews in the empire were affected at least some.To the contrary, the "days of vengeance" is the exact same event; this is the time frame for the entire Olivet Discourse. That is why Christians could escape by fleeing to the mountains.
Oh, REALLY? Then, WHERE'S JESUS?????To the contrary, the tribulation of those days ended in AD 70.
Typical pret tactic. having NO evidence to support their assertions, prets often reduce Scripture to "figurative/symbolic" status while having no license nor valid reason to do so, and/or make up new meanings for certain Scriptures. That hippo won't fly!The "cosmic language" (darkened sun, moon, falling stars) is prophetic (figurative) language. Heavenly bodies often symbolize earthly rulers and governments. See Ezekiel 5:9 and Isaiah 13:9-10 for examples of this type of prophetic language.
Your prob-JESUS DID NOT RETURN THEN! And those who pierced Him are long-dead. But they will see His return from hades, as will the whole living population of the earth. If man-made satellite TV can show the Super Bowl to the whole world as it happens, how much more can JESUS do to cause all to see His return, alive or dead, from anywhere?To discuss Rev. 1:7, "All the tribes of the Earth" is properly translated as "all the tribes of the Land" (of Israel). The will "see" could also mean "to comprehend or understand". Also, note that the "tribes" will see Him - Israel has tribes, but not the whole world. Finally, the phrase "even those who pierced Him" does not refer to a distant future generation, but could only refer to 1st Century Israel, who had Christ crucified.
That's not the GREAT trib. There's tribulation all over the world right now, including the pandemic. But the GREAT trib will be the worst set of catastrophes to heve ever, or will ever, hit the whole world. SO SAID JESUS! I believe HIM over any of those pret quax. Remember, Jesus said that if the trib wasn't cut short, NO FLESH (sark, man or animal flesh) would survive. There have been MUCH-GREATER tribs than thew destruction of J & the temple; for example, WW2.Incidentally, in verse 9, John refers to himself as a "fellow partaker in the tribulation". This makes it clear the tribulation was in his day, not our future.
Because of people's ignorance, just as there are over a billion Moslems, & 2 billion members of other false religions. People just don't take time to study history, instead, just taking some quack demagogue's word for it.If it was that easy to "prove" preterism to be false, why has it remained such a popular view for centuries?
Encyclopediae ARE history boox! But they're not my only source of knowledge of history. For instance, I learned much from the late Dr. Thomas Cassidy, who was an administrator here. And the prophesied eschatological events simply HAVEN'T HAPPENED YET! With all due respect, Sir, you can't show me any differently. I have carefully read Jewish, Roman, & 3rd-party accounts of the siege & destruction of Jerusalem, & the plagues of the great trib simply didn't happen then!I do not look in encyclopedia for fulfilled prophesies, but history. It's our job to recognize when history is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.
I really do recognize that you are a very learned man, and I know you have given your views a great deal of study and prayer. We clearly will not agree when it comes to the "end times" or the rapture. All the best to you, good sir.