Well-Known Member
Because the Second Coming did not happen in the 1st century. Fleeing to the hills from the Romans was the only thing history records as a fulfillment. Using Scripture to say anything else is a private interpretation phenomenon, that started from the false assumption, Christ had returned. The return of Christ was never documented any where, so still a future event.If the saints are to be kept from the hour of trial, why tell them to flee to the mountains?
"World", as used in this context, refers to the Roman Empire.
If you would correctly interpret the Scriptures, or at least set your "anti-Preterist" prejudice aside, you might be able to see what should be obvious.
While there are plenty of man-made doctrines out there, the Partial Preterist view is accepted as an orthodox eschatological position by most Christian denominations.
The Great Great Great, tribulation has been going on for 1990 years. It is the length of expected trouble on earth. The greatest troubles will be after the Second Coming when God on the throne, and the Lamb are literally on the earth. They are the ones Satan comes against. Satan can only prevail, because the church failed prior to the Second Coming in gathering a harvest. Just like the vineyard was taken away from a failed Jewish stewardship, the vineyard will either be taken away from the church as a failure, or the church will have a full harvest to present to the Lord of the vineyard. Today is the day the church is facing the same question of the Lord of the vineyard coming and asking for an accounting, like the 1st century stewards.
So the church has been given 1990 years of stewardship. The house of Jacob only had 1400 years. That the church cannot even agree on Spirit led insight is very telling. How can 100 different views on the same Second Coming be all from God?
That is the reason Satan will ever be allowed to have 42 months AFTER the church. And most posters today expect to be in Satan's 42 months of control. How can they be both in the church and serve Satan at the same time? Do they not understand that when the time is up, it is up? The time is up when God comes, and that is not at the end of Satan's time. God is here to collect the harvest before Satan gets any chance of control. Those waiting for an AC are not waiting for God, and will be too late at that point.