There is so much disinformation about the Bible all over the internet(even here), that at some point the truth must be stated.
The TR(Textus Receptus or received text), is not something that some man wrote. It is a collection of thousands of manuscripts. The 27 books of the New Testament were originally written in Greek and passed from local Church to local Church and thousands upon thousands of Greek copies were made of these 27 books/letters, as they were being circulated. This continued until all the original autographs were worn out and lost. But God’s Word was not lost, because of the thousands of exact copies that were made, of each individual book/letter.
Over the centuries that followed, a lot of these copies were discovered and kept in a safe place. Later Greek scholars discovered that each copy(or partial copy), of Acts for example, all said “the exact same thing”(word for word/jot & tittle), which was no surprise, because Christians were doing the copying and God(in his providential care, oversaw it).
This continued for hundred of years, with bits and pieces of manuscripts of the New Testament pilling up, with each scrap of paper being examined by Greek scholars. Then every few decades or so, a Greek copy of the Bible was found and these scholars would discover that it was not “an exact copy”, therefore IT WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS, because it “was not exactly like the thousands of other documents”, even though some of them were much older than the rest.
A couple of these corrupt copies, were not just a single letter/epistle of the New Testament, but included all the books of the of the Old and New Testaments, in Greek.
This collecting of manuscripts went on for centuries(in fact it is still going on), even though humanity already has a completed and canonized Bible, archeology doesn’t stop. But the same thing still happens. If a Greek book or letter, is found to be an EXACT COPY of the 5 or 6 thousand other documents in the TR, than it is included to it. But if it is different(flawed), it is put to the side. Therefore, although the TR is growing, it NEVER CHANGES, because all it is, is a pile of documents that PERFECTLY agree with each other.
Now, lets say over the centauries they found 3000 copes of Matthew and 2400 copes of John and 200 copes of Revelation and 1800 copes of Acts, for instance. What if they only found a hand full of copies of 1John or Titus.... Does that mean, that these letters aren’t suppose to be in the Bible? Of course not. But what it does mean, is that these handful of the corrupt copies of the entire New Testament, may not agree with this handful of individual letters. So it doesn’t make any sense to cast doubt upon the letters in the TR, because these same letters that are found in corrupt Bibles, do not agree with them. But here in 2015, we will hear people say,.... “only a few copies of this letter include this or that verse...”, and we will START TO DOUBT THE BIBLE!
It has always been Satan’s goal, to cast doubt upon God’s Word, as seen in Genesis 3:1, when he said to Eve, ...”hath God [really] said,....?” The fact is, there is a God in Heaven who has given us His preserved Word and if we ever DOUBT it, than we are DOUBTING God’s ability to have kept it for us! It’s that simple.