Lets be honest....If God himself provided you scripture to support Calvinistic Doctrine.....you wouldnt believe it so quit blowing smoke up peoples skirts OK? You have an agenda & its painfully evident your trying to push it.
& gee thanks for allowing me the opportunity to post.....thats really nice! :laugh:
That is not true. I have changed my views over the years. I once believed and even taught my children Original Sin. I believed it because that is what I had been taught, and it seemed to fit reality. It explained why everyone sins, including little children.
But over the years as I read and studied scripture I saw much scripture that simply did not mesh with Original Sin, in fact it seemed to utterly contradict it. The 15th chapter of Luke probably had a greater influence on me than any other scripture. I noted that in all three stories that Jesus told, no one was originally lost. The shepherd had 100 sheep, one went out and became lost, the shepherd searched and recovered it. Then Jesus explained this one lost sheep was a sinner who repented. He then told a story of a woman with ten silver coins, she lost one, searched and recovered it. Again, Jesus explained this was a lost sinner who repented. But the coin was not originally lost.
Then Jesus told the story of the prodigal son. He was not lost originally, he was at home with his father. He willingly left home and went out in sin and became lost. When he repented, twice Jesus said he was alive AGAIN.
Now, you may read right over that word "again", but I cannot. This did not agree with Original Sin whatsoever. I had been taught we are all born dead in sin separated from God because of Adam's sin. That is not what these 3 stories showed at all. They all showed a person as not originally lost, but becoming lost after being born.
After this I saw many other scriptures that did not agree with Original Sin like Rom 7:9-11, or 1 Pet 2:25. However, these scriptures made perfect sense if Original Sin was not true.
It took me several years of study, but I became thoroughly convinced (and still am) that OS is absolutely false doctrine. I could never believe this again.
You may not believe this, but I simply want to know the truth. I don't want to know man's interpretation of scripture, and I do not want to form my own interpretation of scripture. I want to know
GOD'S INTERPRETATION of scripture. Nearly every night for many years I have prayed that God would reveal the truth to me and keep me from error.
You may think me some sort of maverick, nothing can be further from the truth. I simply want to know what scripture says. I go where I believe God and the Holy Spirit through the word of God leads me. This is not easy, you get accused of being a heretic, divisive, etc... That's OK, I knew that would be the case.
If you, or any Calvinist could prove to me from scripture that Calvinism was true, I would believe it. I simply have never seen this, in fact, the more I study scripture, the more convinced I am that Calvinism is serious error.
If that offends you, I am sorry.