Michael, thank you for clarifying.
Obviously we hold to a different standard. We consider any teaching that is contrary to scripture to be a false teaching. The elders have the responsibility of protecting the flock from error. We cannot patrol a person's heart, but if a false teaching is being promulgated in the church it will be stopped by taking the appropriate measures (depending on the circumstance and the nature of the false teaching). What qualifies as a false teaching? Things like denial of the Trinity, denial of original sin, denial of the virgin birth, denial of the substitutionary atonement of Christ, advocating universal atonement, and the Arminian or semi-Pelagian gospel et. al.
Some false teachings strike at the core of Christianity, while others do not. The former errors must be addressed with prejudice. That is partly done through the preaching of the Word of God. The best defense against false hood is to proclaim the truth. Not as often is the need for direct confrontation with the individual. Praise God that I can count on one hand (and still have fingers left over) the number of times the elders have had to do that.
All this stems from a love for God, His Word, and His sheep. Sheep have to be lead by shepherds who have their best interest at heart. If not, the wolves are ready and willing to pounce at the slightest pretext.