You, of course, are wrong. I can't imagine how you studied Johnson, Howell and Fuller and walked away with such nonsense. I suspect you just chose to follow men who said what you wanted to hear. Are you aware that their original journals are avaliable to the public at the SBC library in Nashville? Kinda makes ignorance a bit lazy, doesn't it.Thankfully a post that actually understands some of the history in recent times.
There is no great movement to reform Calvinism. It is doing just fine.
These ideas more often than not are from those who think they see something everyone else has missed.
Without fail each of these fall by the wayside,as it is more of a fleshly prideful thing.
JonC commented;
I disagree in that Calvinism, correctly preached, taught, believed, and lived deals with every area of life.
There is nothing new under the sun. The word of God is totally sufficient to speak to any need or situation that arises.
The SBC was virtually completely Calvinivstic in it's origins.
Some today attempt to re-write that history to no avail.
This new traditionalist movement is such a misguided attempt as I see it. Some SBC historians have documented these truths.
There have been movements within Calvinism for reform since its inception. What I am speaking of has been active for about 50 years.
And of course you also seem ignorant concerning SBC doctrine. At its formation (in Augusta GA) the SBC was comprised of a very diverse group when it comes to Calvinism. Most of the churches were what is know as Free will theology (not necessarily Free Will Baptists). The leadership was moderately Calvinists (they rejected Limited Atonement).
None of the early presidents were "five point Calvinists", but Howell forward a few generations were moderate Calvinists (or as @Yeshua1 insists, 4 article Arminians).
In short, you are wrong and should study before posting. How long have you been SBC? What studies have you undertaken to qualify an opinion?
I do not understand, given that we know the churches which formed the Convention, how you could make such an utterly stupid claim. Not only that, but we have the writings of Johnson and Howell, (I am sure you obviously don't know, but they were the first presidents of the SBC) who were not "strong Calvinists"... They were moderates.
@Iconoclast, where did you study SBC history?
For a Calvinist you seem awfully unaware concerning Calvinism. I do not mean to seem rude, but until you study you really should refrain from an opinion.
In a debate one is entitled only to an opinion he or she can defend with evidence. My evidence against you is the favmct that none of the original SBC leadership affirmed Limited Atonement and that the majority of the churches comprising the SBC when it was formed were not Calvinist.
What is your evidence?
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