Here's a Quick Run-Down for you from information I have heard the last few years (all unofficial, of Course). Hope it is helpful.
1. Seminaries:
-Southern Seminary (SBTS) puts out the most Calvinists Pastors, led by Al Mohler, a Calvinist. (interstingly, None of the DEANS at sbts would identify themselves as calvinists, though many other of the professors would.
-Southeastern may be second, as Danny Akin is probalby a 3-4 pointer, and has no problem with calvinists.
-Southwestern (texas) is strongly against calvinism, led by Paige Patterson.
-Midwestern, New Orleans, Golden Gate...I haven't heard anything...they don't make the news.
2. Pastors (quoted from Baptist Press):
3. Churches: I would say the vast majority have members of all stripes on this issue, though majority Non-cal, I'm sure. Though I'm also sure it is Geographic to some extent surrounding the Seminaries. For example I live about an hour from Louisville (SBTS), and I know many of the Louisville churches are calvinistic, and many of the churches in our vicinity are pastored by calvinistic Men. I'm sure if you went to SBC churches around Southwestern you would find the opposite trend.
(Disclaimer of possible bias: I am a recent SBTS Grad, Current Music & Youth Pastor at an SBC Church one hour from Louisville (for 5 years), mostly calvinistic in soteriology. My church has 3 other pastors, all calvinists, though we may argue about limited atonement. Our church has members on all sides of this issue, most are not calvinists...But I think most know that we are, and sometimes joke about it to us. We have had some lively Sunday school discussion about the issues...and we still all love each other. And we have one guy who seems to agree with Unconditional Election, but disagree with eternal I don't know what he is...He might just be a Christian :thumbs