Act 16:14 And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.
"Then who can be saved?" (Luke 18:26).
The Evangelist’s Dilemma.
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"The scenario is a familiar one. You present the gospel to an unbelieving friend or family member and he or she rejects it. That which is most precious in your sight is dismissed as irrelevant or discarded as untrue. Why is that? How can that be? Who could possibly reject so great a salvation?
"The Bible has the answer. Scripture teaches that unbelievers are totally depraved. This means that even though man does not always act as wickedly as possible, the depravity so permeates his entire being that he is enslaved to his sin and inherently unable to respond to the gospel in faith and repentance.
"The depravity of the unbeliever can be broken down into three areas:
his mind, his heart, and his will.
"His Mind: The unbeliever’s inability to respond to the gospel stems partly from the depravity of his mind. No matter how intelligent he may be, the unbeliever cannot understand or accept the things of God. He simply is not able, for his mind is depraved (Rom. 1:21, 28; 3:11) and defiled (Titus 1:15), and his understanding is darkened (Eph. 4:17-18; 2 Cor. 4:4).
"The message of the gospel, Paul writes in 1 Corinthians, is foolishness to those who are perishing (1:18),
"a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them…" (2:14).
"He is unable to understand and accept the gospel of Christ, and therefore he is unable to respond to it.
"His Heart: At the core of the unbeliever’s inability to respond to the gospel is the depravity of his heart, which is full of evil (Eccl. 9:3).
"During the time of Noah, God
"saw that the wickedness of man was great…and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Gen. 6:5).
"Time has not improved the condition of man’s heart—it is still continually and exclusively evil. The very desire of the unbeliever’s heart is to carry out the desires of the devil (John 8:44), for he is by nature a hater of God and a lover of wickedness (John 3:19-20).
"He is hostile toward God (Rom. 8:7; Col. 1:21) and is, in fact, the very enemy of God (Rom. 5:10).
"The unbeliever is unable to respond to the gospel because he does not want to turn to Christ (John 5:40) and is neither able to change his heart nor desirous of doing so (John 8:44).
"His Will: The unbeliever’s inability to respond to the gospel is most overtly seen in the depravity of his will—that faculty by which a man chooses or makes decisions.
"Simply stated, his will is enslaved to sin (Rom. 6:17, 20; John 8:34). The unbeliever does not submit to God’s law, for he is "not even able to do so; and [he] cannot please God" (Rom. 8:7-8).
"He is unable to choose to do anything that is truly good (Rom. 3:12), for his only capacity is to do evil.
"The depravity of the unbeliever’s will flows from the evil of his heart (Mark 7:21- 23).
"Not only is his heart full of evil, but he is also enslaved to his various lusts and pleasures (Titus 3:3).
"Just as an apple tree can produce nothing but apples, a man with an evil heart can produce nothing but evil (Matt. 7:16-18). He cannot produce what is good, not even a positive response to the gospel.
"There is none who seeks for God" (Rom. 3:11).
"If all this is true, how can an unbeliever choose Christ?
"How can he respond to the gospel? He cannot, for just as a leopard cannot change his spots nor a man the color of his skin, neither can a man change—or even improve upon—the condition of his heart (Jer. 13:23).
His will is enslaved to the evil desires of his heart.
"He is not able to conjure up enough goodness within himself to choose Christ, for there is none there (Rom. 3:12).
"He is spiritually dead (Eph. 2:1; Col. 2:13) and has no more ability to respond spiritually than a corpse has to respond physically.
"The unbeliever cannot understand or accept the gospel, for it is foolishness to him; how then can he respond to it and believe in Christ as his Savior?
"Every intent of his heart is evil, and he seeks not after God; how then can he turn to Christ for salvation and embrace Him as his righteousness?
"He is enslaved to sin; how then can he turn from his wickedness to Christ and bow before Him as Lord?
"The unbeliever is not able to please God, obey God, or do anything at all that is good; how then can he respond to God’s command to believe?
"There is no fear of God before his eyes; how then can he humble himself before God and trust in Him for salvation?
"He hates God, loves sin, and is unwilling and undesirous of coming to Christ; how then can he repent and do so? He is spiritually blind; how then can he make himself see? He is spiritually dead; how then can he make himself live?
"In light of these truths, the evangelist finds himself left with the desperate question that the disciples themselves asked Jesus: "Then who can be saved?" (Luke 18:26)
"In other words, if the only way to be saved is to turn to Christ, but unbelievers are unable to turn to Christ, who then can be saved?
"What, if anything, can the evangelist do to bring people to the Savior?
"Isn’t he being asked to communicate a message to which his audience has no ability to respond?
"This is the evangelist’s dilemma."