I agree with your sentiment when talking about infant baptism, but I baptizing children is a bit different. I was baptized at age ten, approximately one month after confessing publicly my salvation. The way my church did things was we had VBS in June and a summer revival in July. For those two months we held baptizing on the Sunday morning following the revival. The way we saw it, if you professed faith in Jesus Christ you were eligible for baptism, just as the Ethiopian was. Philip didn't tell the Ethiopian to come back to him after three years and then he could be baptized
Yes, Children can definitely become believers at young ages. In fact, my youngest daughter gave a credible profession of faith at 4 yrs. old, and still lives a very Godly life. IMO, we Baptists are waaaaaay to quick to baptize those who are not ready and for what purpose? Is baptism necessary for salvation? I think not! We are quick to jump on the Church of Christ, yet we almost default to the same exact position that they take, yet we white wash it.
Again, I think that we should observe the profession of a so-called new convert and feel very comfortable that they are truly following Christ. I have some serious doubts that faaaaaar to many children are baptized waaaaay to early--just look at what is going on in our Churches. We baptize someone and they never show back up again-ever! Look at how many young children we baptize, yet they fall away as teenagers or whenever which is a sad estate as to where the church is as a whole (Yes, I believe in church discipline-see Matthew 18 for the purposes of restoration those who have fallen into grievous sin. Most Baptist Churches need to go back to Church discipline especially for those who have fallen away and never attend services, nor support the local ministry of their professed Church). We in fact harden the hearts of those who are not truly ready for baptism and do them no favors by baptizing prematurely and ultimately dishonor the name of God in doing so.
I do not necessarily like VBS though I do not hate it. My remembrances are pledge allegiance to the American Flag (totally unnecessary and certainly confuses the issue. If we were in Iran, should we pledge allegiance to the flag of Iran as Christians? or North Korea? No, keep the things of God Holy unto the Lord and separate). I also have problems pledging allegiance to the so called Christian Flag (this is an abomination to Muslims and there is actually no such thing as a "Christian Flag". The pledge to the Bible is Borderline idolatrous as well, but at least it is the Word of God and I have much less problem with it, but it does border on Bibliolatry.
Again, we have Bible School for 5 days and think that we have done well? Really? And what is our standard? Should we not always teach the Word in season and out of season? No, I am not against it, I am rethinking and reinterpreting what we SHOULD be doing here. Example: Why does a so-called Minister not a daily open prayer time/devotional around lunch for the community at large to come and openly pray and read scripture during the week? One of the greatest "revivals" ever started this way --It is called the Layman's Revival which happened in the 1850's.
As far as the Ethiopian Eunuch, you do understand that He was a God Fearing man who accepted the OT as coming from God and actually went back and founded the Church in Ethiopia right (It is a historical fact)? My point is that he was not a fresh convert here. He had a foundation in the OT (He was reading from Isaiah-right?). We do not well, by taking too much theology from ACTS. It was a special and unique time where the church of Christ was getting established and God used certain people and unusual circumstances to accomplish his purposes.