Has any body of believers (identifying as Christians) held this belief over the last 2,000 years or do you believe this is new revelation given to you to bring about proper interpretation of scripture? Which portions of scripture do you believe were corrupted/forgeries or added in order to support the doctrine of the Holy Trinity? When did this corruption/forgery take place and what evidence do you have for this?
If this is a new revelation, don't you think it is a little late in the day to be developing new doctrines, especially if belief of these doctrines is necessary for salvation. You mentioned in one post that participation in the American financial system prevents a person from being a 'true-believer'. Am I stating that correctly? You stated: 'Until you understand this and stop believing the lie you currently believe in, you will never receive the set-apart airflow, and will thus, never inherit the kingdom of God, because you cannot inherit the kingdom of God unless you receive the set-apart airflow in truth'. So, if I understand you correctly, every person who has been a Trinitarian has been lost over the past 2,000 years, right?
Here is what St. Paul says:
The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For what person knows a man’s thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 2:10-11).
Paul makes clear in Romans 11:34 that no created intellect can “know the mind of the Lord.” Why not? In order to comprehend the thoughts of God, which are infinite, one would have to possess infinite power. The fact that the Spirit of God is here revealed to comprehend “the thoughts of God” would mean necessarily that He is, in fact, God.
I do have other questions but for now would you answer these?.
Its not a "new" revelation, its what the scriptures declare, and either you understand it, or you do not. God is the one who grants understanding. God has granted this understanding to a few people, which is why Yeshuah said, "few are the ones who find the narrow gate", and "many are called, few chosen", because few are the ones chosen to understand, who then enter the narrow gate of
understanding into the kingdom of God
When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. (Matthew 13:19)
But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” (Matthew 13:23)
Where this knowledge is possessed by seven assemblies throughout the earth, only a small remnant, not just by me, hence the "menorah" with seven candlesticks in the temple of God.
Next, you can study when the forgeries took place on your own, look up the history of the two verses. I need not get into detail concerning the obvious.
Next, I did state that participation in the American financial system does indeed prevent a man from inheriting the kingdom of God, because you are participating in a system of interest and usury, which is forbidden in the Torah and an abomination to God. This financial system fulfills the prophecy of the "mark of the beast" in Revelation, and through its system gives you authority to buy and sell.
Next, a Trinitarian cannot inherit the kingdom of God, no different than a Jesuit, or a Catholic, or a Buddhist, or a Mormon, because these are all types of people that believe in a set of lies that prevents them from knowing and understanding the truth, to then inherit the kingdom of God through the knowledge of the truth. You cannot inherit the kingdom of God while you believe lies. The lie will prevent you from doing so.
Next, being "God" does not relate to being infinite, it relates to having authority, which is why Moses was called "God", and even angels are called "God", and also Yeshuah is called "God", because it relates to being the "representation" of God acting in authority of God, yet there is only ever one God, the Father, who alone is infinite, who is then represented by his sons, yet each in different measures of authority, with Yeshuah in highest authority. Even so, the representation, although called "God", is merely just a representation. As such, the reason the airflow of God knows the thoughts of God is because he comes from heaven, where God is. If I were a personal counselor of the president, then I would know the thoughts of the president, because I am near to him to speak to him. This same relationship happens with the airflow of God, for these angels, who transform into the form of airflow, live in heaven, where God is, and have intimate knowledge of the thoughts of God, who then descend unto the earth, and reveal those thoughts unto us on earth.