Well-Known Member
Your assertion, that a fully Sovereign God makes God the author and cause of sin is a creation of your own philosophy. You cannot have a Sovereign God when you demand your own sovereignty via human free will that makes man the ruler of his universe.
I notice that you did not even respond to the quotes by Calvinists that show that your version of Gods sovereignty does indeed make Him the author of all sin.
“Nothing comes to pass contrary to his decree. Nothing happens by chance. Even moral evil, which he abhors and forbids, occurs ‘by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.’” ~William Shedd
Shedd, Calvinism: Pure and Mixed, 37. {Calvinist}
Jonathan Edwards states the logical conclusion that, “The eternal decree is the cause of the necessary futurition of evil acts, for the acts inevitably follow on the decree.”He also says, “If God by his decree did force men’s wills, and so necessitate them to be vicious and wicked, then he might justly be called the Author of Sin.”
Jonathan Edwards, On the Decrees, Book I, Ch. 3, 125, Source: Benson, The Revival and Rejection of an Old Traditional Heresy, 41. {Calvinist}
I find it shocking that you would think so little of God that you would say that as the Sovereign ruler of His creation that He can not give man free will. You even go so far as to deny what is right in front of you.
God is not the author of sin but your view of His sovereignty makes Him so. So sad.