Obviously you don't understand what I'm trying to say.
The two thieves were railing on Him. Suddenly one stops, calls Jesus Lord, and mentions that He has a kingdom. Where did this come from? He wasn't preached to on the cross. One minute he is railing on Jesus, the next he is professing his belief that Jesus is Lord. Something changed, and that change was pretty dramatic and sudden. Obviously this change wasn't brought about by man as there is nothing there in the context to suggest that. It must have been brought about by God. Hence, God is the one who revealed to him who Jesus was, that He had a kingdom, and made Jesus the desire of his heart. How did you come to believe in Jesus? The same way the thief did. Paul says we believe according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.
The two thieves were railing on Him. Suddenly one stops, calls Jesus Lord, and mentions that He has a kingdom. Where did this come from? He wasn't preached to on the cross. One minute he is railing on Jesus, the next he is professing his belief that Jesus is Lord. Something changed, and that change was pretty dramatic and sudden. Obviously this change wasn't brought about by man as there is nothing there in the context to suggest that. It must have been brought about by God. Hence, God is the one who revealed to him who Jesus was, that He had a kingdom, and made Jesus the desire of his heart. How did you come to believe in Jesus? The same way the thief did. Paul says we believe according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.