But your take on it is that the lack of garment meant that he was not elect?
Yes, but it all relates.
God's elect are the "whosoever believeth", from the heart ( Romans 10:8-10 )
They are the ones who do not fall away under trials and tribulations, they are the ones kept by the power of God through faith, ready to be revealed in the last time ( 1 Peter 1:5 ),
They are the sheep, the "lively stones", the ones who bear true spiritual fruit, the "called", the ones that have "ears to hear" ( as opposed to those who only hear the word of God with their physical ears and reject it ) and eyes to see,
They are the beloved, and everything else that God's word describes one of His precious children as.
They are the overcomers, and they are the ones who have the gift of faith ( Ephesians 2:8 ).
They are the "righteous" in the Psalms, and the "wise" in the Proverbs...
The love Him
because He first loved them ( 1 John 4:19 ).
They are a total mess in the flesh ( but they grow in grace and knowledge ), but their spirits have been made pure by the power of God...
They hate this world, and love him and His ways.
They are the saved, and they will be with Jesus Christ and follow Him and Him alone ( a stranger they will not follow ).
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature my friend...
Good evening to you.