Are you asking what the point of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is?
are baptized in the Spirit at the point of salvation. There is no subsequent baptism. Show me in Scripture
a command to be baptized in the Spirit. There is no such command. But there is a command to be filled--Eph.5:18.
How are you able to judge my fruit? Yes! I do believe there is a command to be filled! But we are also told what to do to receive the Holy Spirit! ASK!!!
Chapter and verse, please!
How do I judge your fruit? I gave you Scripture.
You didn't see 3,000 saved as on the day of Pentecost.
You didn't see 5,000 saved just a few days later.
Do you meet every day and see souls saved every day, and added to your local church every day, as they did in Jerusalem.
Do you have the boldness to preach before the very ones that crucified Christ. You don't even have that opportunity.
Were you able to preach as Stephen preached and bring much of the leaders under such conviction that they stoned him to death. Did you see Jesus standing on the right hand of the throne of God waiting to welcome Stephen home. Were you martyred because you were so filled with the Holy Spirit that you could preach to those people with that power. I will take that as a "No," since you are still typing behind a computer.
Yes, I am able to judge your fruit, because in no way do you match up with the acts of the apostles which I quoted for you. Their acts were a demonstration of being FILLED, not being baptized with the Spirit. What has speaking in tongues done for your ministry?
Your point?
Again, your point?
They were a demonstration of being filled with Holy Spirit.
What is the evidence of your speaking in tongues?
Have thousands been saved as a result of it?
I believe we can be filled several times! I have never said that the filling was related to tongues! I said the baptism in the Holy Spirit examples in scriptures all show speaking in tongues!
The Book of Acts is a book of transition. In the epistles we have a command to be filled with the Holy Spirit; show me an equivalent command to be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Are you questioning my salvation? On what basis? Because I do not believe the same as you?
Here is what I said:
These are examples of being filled with the Holy Spirit. But you can't find such examples of being baptized with the Holy Spirit, can you.
And as for your lame excuse about ministry, every believer is called to ministry! No person is excepted. Every person is a disciple of Christ. If you think you are excepted then perhaps you are not saved.
You had previously said that you didn't speak in tongues in the church because that was a "ministry gift." If you don't have "ministry gifts" or are not called to minister in the local church, then perhaps you better think things through. Read the chapter again. Every gift is given for the local church. If you don't have gifts that are directed for ministry in the local church then perhaps you are not saved. That is straight Bible teaching. It is not a matter of questioning your salvation. Study chapter 12 of 1Corinthians. Not one gift listed was to be used apart from the local church. That was not God's plan.