Absolutely, prayer and an openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit should be a vital part of any good hermeneutical approach to God's words. I was referring to the human authors who also played an important role.
What we know Historically ~
To be specific to the "authors" who actually did the Script writing ~
The Words ~ come from God ~ TO a faithful man
The Words ~ given the faithful man are then spoken
The Scribes ~ hear the Words and "write the words down"
The Recorders ~ assemble the Scribes "written words" into scrolls / books
The Priests ~ were charged with KEEPING the scrolls / books protected
What we know IS ~
Copies of the "books" were made and distributed among the Hebrews
Knowledge given and Text of the "books" were used to repeat in the ears of the younger generations.
At times "books" were discovered and burned / destroyed
Destroyed "books" were directed to be rewritten from memory.
Also ~
Jews were often in captivity, oppressed and to the best of their ability attempted to hide their books.
Their "hidden" books, were often, hidden in places, they themselves had no immediate access to.
Modern times ~
Books have been found.
Scholars attempt to painstakingly determine the text of ancient language into modern text.
However ~ nothing has changed regarding the source (God). In that He (Christ) is the Word of God, and has always been, and still IS the Teacher.
Just saying ~
What we know is ~ God is the Source of His own Word.
Regardless of How or When He has distributed His own Word....and the corruption within mankind that has attempted to suppress Gods Word.... such corruption will NOT supersede Gods desire for
eager men to KNOW and UNDERSTAND His own Word. <---> which was my point....of going to and trusting the Source, regardless of how confusing it may seem, WHEN "men" are in charge of handling and distributing Gods Word.
And the beauty is; We (the faithful) are provided a way, to access THEE TEACHER, personally, VIA, our "born again" spirit to His Spirit. And He IS most willing to oblige us in giving us His Wisdom and His Understanding of Scripture.