The problem with your premise is that God's righteous judgment over His creations shows His benevolent nature, but does not address how someone on the receiving end of His wrath would perceive the action. They might call evil what Deuteronomy 32:4 says is good. Good and Evil are in the eye of the beholder.
I stand on the premise that from the beginning men sought to know good and evil and to be the judge between them, this goes to not only explain the reality of free will/volition of the creature, but also how that the ways of God are righteous judgment and the necessity that He is without moral evil. The problem for those that think/wish to attribute evil to the nature of God comes from that which originates in pride from within their knowledge (Gen 3:23) yet, there is only One that is perfectly Good and He is the Righteous Judge of all things. Some can not willingly bow to that concept of Divine existence (of God being Omnibenevolent) so they attempt to side step it or discount it in many ways (yet the Truth is there so in pride they might claim to be forced to believe, not to have the ability of volition, will deny or reassign the origin of evil and thereby dispute true creaturely responsibility, claim not to have the ability to reason, and as Luke says...I could go on and on and on…
Please understand, I am not saying God is not good. I am saying is if you are on the receiving end of disaster, you will think the disaster is bad or evil. But that natural occurrence, say a tornado, is part of God's "good" creation.
But there is another aspect to "the problem of evil" and that is God allowing people to make choices that result in evil. Here we must consider God's purpose in creating mankind with the capacity of autonomous choice. We were created to glorify God, and when we turn from our way to God's way by our autonomous choice, we bring glory to God, fulfilling God's purpose of creation. Now if God did not allow "autonomous choice" we would not bring glory to God when we made that choice. Therefore, from God's perspective, our choices are "good" in that He would not have created us without that capacity. And God is righteous in His judgment, and so those who receive justice in the afterlife will receive perfect punishment for those "evil" choices in the eyes of God.
I don't think we're far apart and have put a lot of thought in God's purposes. I openly state that God is Only Good and His creation is very good, (Gen 1:31) for only good can come from Him. He is without moral evil (Deut 32:4). He allows evil to exist but is never the cause of it, the agency of evil can not or should not be attributed to Him any way by those who truly know Him, those that understand that His nature is Only Good and know that He truly does exist in and because of knowing and believing in love of that truth, in that sense I say faith is a gift. Concerning the P.O.E. it is common that the Calvinist cannot/or will not attribute the existence of God as Only being Good (Onmibenevolent) to the skeptic, but gladly I can and do.
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