The bottom line to this whole mess is the two people we as a nation chose to run against for the office of President. If the situation was opposite than now (an extreme liberal running against a moderate liberal), say, a conservative was actually nominated by the Republicans and the Democrats nominated a moderate, there would be no arguing amongst most of us who believe in conservative principles. All of the bickering would be to the left.
Sometimes in the debate between those voting for Romney and those who are not because of his religion or past record, we forget how politically close we are. This is a very difficult situation for conservatives this year, and really, there is no need for condemnation however someone decides to cast their vote. One person feels that they are not going to vote for someone like Romney based on principle under any circumstance, and the next believes that a vote for Romney is the only way to rid this nation of Obama. That is why we have the principle of one vote per person, so that we make a collective decision.
Had everyone done what they should have beginning in 2008, and worked for a conservative nominee, we could have avoided all of this, but we did not, so we deal the best way we know how with the people chosen. The only thing one can do is try to make 2016 a better outcome. But guess what, once the election if over, 99% of the people will not give it a second thought until the powers that be are entrenched for the next election cycle, and the same old arguing will start all over again, once again, not learning one thing.