Zaac, I could not help seeing T's question as it was a quote in your reply.
I never read his answers or his posts for reasons I gave a year or so ago. But in answer to his question go to the following:
Obama clearly states he is a Christian by choice.
CTB, I've heard him say that before. But for me personally, when he is constantly going against the things of Christ while seemingly being on a vendetta against Christianity, it comes across as something contrived behind the scenes. That's just me though.
It's like having someone abuse you again and again and again and then saying they love you afterwards. You stop believing it because of their actions.
But I would likewise put those who say they want to preach about a Jesus who saves out one side of their necks while advocating support of a man who worships a false god out the other side of their necks as equally contrived.
Neither one really leaves himself with a platform to preach Christ, imo.
It would be different if folks were saying I don't advocate what Obama/ Romney believes, but I believe this one is a better choice economically for the country instead of one said pretending to take the moral high ground and calling out one's pro-abortion stance while dismissing the other's worshiping a false god.