When I first joined the board I was rather awestruck by the amount of petty meanness that I saw going on. I've been told by people I know "in real life" that I can be abrasive when I argue because I act so sure that I'm right and the other person is wrong. I didn't realize quite how obnoxious that was until I came here! I guess what caused me to notice this is that while I have a tendency to claim intellectual superiority, there are people on this board who tend to claim spiritual superiority, which I consider to be even more rude (and self-defeating, if you think about it). Because of being shown how obnoxious this type of attitude is I've been working on how I talk to the people who disagree with me so that I can both support my argument and also respect my opponent.
Fortunately this negative first impression of this board has been ameliorated by some of the other people that I've met here whom I like and respect, although I may not agree with them.
There are some arguments on the board that will always be present (Arminianism vs. Calvinism, Dispensationalism vs. Covenant Theology, Pre-trib vs. every other version, young-earth creation vs. theistic evolution, KJVO vs. multiple versions, and all of the arguments on the politics board!) However, I think that we ought to be able to disagree on these things without being angry and condescending towards each other, and be able to leave these differences behind when it comes to posting on unrelated threads.
The other source of arguments is personality issues, which tend to be more problematic! In some of these cases I have been tempted to say things that I shouldn't, but most of the time I've been able to hit the delete key and take a few breaths before hitting Add Reply. I feel that in most of these cases saying what I really think wouldn't do any good and would just cause anger and disruption, and there is really no need to respond except my temper--and I can smush that!
Finally, I want to say thanks to the moderators. I think that they do a good job and are unobstrusive. I certainly hope that we aren't causing needless work for them. We are all adults here and ideally should be able to moderate ourselves.