Well, yeah, I guess if you really consider it a primary doctrine I have indirectly accused you of corrupting the gospel.
And while I detect an apologetic tone in this response, I still do not see an answer to my question.
How have I, or those that view YEC as a primary doctrine—corrupted the Gospel?
(1) I consider Primary Doctrines to include those essential to the Christian faith, such as:
- the Trinity,
- the deity of Christ,
- the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ,
- the atoning work of Christ on the cross,
- salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone
You can define terms for yourself, not for others.
And since we are on the subject, I might suggest you consider the word essential. Rather than primary. In order for the Gospel to be corrupted we look at what is essential to Redemption. Should someone deny that Christ alone is the Savior, or that He isn't the Savior, for example, we would see corruption. That is essential to the Gospel.
Creation is, without controversy—a Primary Doctrine. And the fact that many people do not understand that the Son of God is the Creator is not essential, nor does it detract from the Gospel.
(2) I define "corrupt" as:
- to pollute or contaminate by adding a non-essential element
- to alter, or change
I do not view Creation as "non-essential." Nor do many.
In fact, I have yet to find one jot or tittle that I find to be non-essential in my studies.
Perhaps you have a list for those, as well?
(3) I think the response deserves a separate thread.
How shall WE compose its title?
I don't. The primary issue is the offensive attitude you have expressed, and I think it can be resolved in a few posts. All you have to do is substantiate your charge of corruption.
How exactly do YEC believers corrupt the Gospel?
I suggest:
- Is a Young Earth Creationism a Primary Doctrine?
- Is a Six, 24-hour Creation days an essential Christian Doctrine?
- A 6000 y.o. earth is an essential, fundamental doctrine of Christianity
Because you feel you are the one that defines everyone's terms and beliefs, you have created a false argument and seek to perpetuate it.
I have no problem with those who have rejected YEC. I do not consider them incapable of bringing the Gospel to others. I do think most pf them are more interested in Science than Scripture, and probably spend much more time edifying their defense of their beliefs against us poor, stone age thinkers that believe the Bible speaks plainly.
While always enjoy Creation debates, the end result is usually an array of quotes from other people, rather than the individual approaching the topic from a Biblical view. I prefer to interact with someone who brings to the table the result of their study, rather than have to sift through their teachers' material.
Or perhaps a more general title:
.........if you like the last title you will need to define what the Gospel message is.
- Is Young Earth creationism an essential part of the gospel message?
- Does Young-Earth Creationism corrupt the Gospel?
...or you may suggest another title of your own making.
Again, a false argument: one can be in error about Creation without corrupting the Gospel. You are the one that takes the opposite view.
And again, how do YEC believers corrupt the Gospel? Just answer that question. This is the second post asking.
Allow me a few days to compose a succinct, polite response.
Brother in Christ
I don't spend too much time on the forums these days, and limit myself to "visits" for the purpose of seeing how things have progressed. If you do get a thread started I will take a look, but I can't promise I will participate. Again, these debates are seldom profitable, because the fallback answer of those who have embraced doctrines of the religion of Atheism is usually "Oh, that is junk science."
The only thing that interests me at this point is a definitive answer to the question, "How do YEC believers corrupt the Gospel message?"
God bless.