I don't know about other places, but the rally/protest in Dallas was appropriatly coordinated with the police department and was quite orderly... until the nut job starting murdering people.
I agree. The problem with this sentence begins with the "but." You're far too eager to trade off our civil rights to try a quick and unsatisfactory fix.
This is not a quick fix ... what do you, oh great one, suggest?
So you want pro-life rallies/protests to be forced to hire private security This is a place to start, and yes, pro-life; protect the red horned frogs, or stop plastic bags in stores .... all would be subject to this protest rule! (whether it is one person outside a clinic or thousands) and be forced into special "free speech zones" where the public does not have to see them or interact with them? Moreover, you place a burden on organizers and participants to estimate ahead of time how many security officers will be needed for a gathering and financially provide for it? SO they are burdened! MOst groups are well funded, and if they want to protest, and believe in the cause, then let them put up the cash to support their cause!
I know this is aimed at BLM, not pro-life groups, but it will cut in all directions. I'm hardly an advocate for BLM, but they have rights like a citizens.
Lock 'em up.
Where do you hope to spend your jail time when this thing backfires on Christians?
Once these anarchists see the courts will do what they say, I predict this will not create a backlash of over crowding. It will, however, develop more law abiding people, and you will not have tons of folks being locked up!!!
Public servants are servants of the public. It's as simple as that. The Constitution demands the right to peaceably assemble, Once again you are right as well as wrong. It demands a place to assemble, but it doesn't demand that place be on freeways, taking over public streets and roadways, shoppping centers! Where they assemble is up to licenisng agency to appoint! so they are obligated to respect that and provide for public safety.
Freedom of speech carries with it responsibility. But vague fears about safety don't trump free exercise of civil liberties.
How did I avoid the violence in Dallas? I didn't go to an area where passions might run high.
Truth be told, I didn't go because I wasn't interested. Moreover, I was at the Texas Rangers baseball game. I had to walk through a metal detector Ah. Metal detectors! That wasn't mentioned in the right to assemble? Those seem like a violation, just like CCTV? Yet those things are used to protect and assure the safety of others who are also assembled to be part of the evnt or for other reasons! Mankind must adapt to the changes in society. Metal dectectors, CCTV, rented halls for a protest .... are simply things that are in place because we are eveolving as a society to meet the needs of people and protect the society from eveolving forms of evil! and was subject to search, but the Rangers were lousy that night.
People CAN be cited for blocking traffic - and often are - in many situations. That's what should happen, not a repeal of the First Amendment!
It was NOT.
I can't believe something thinks that way.
This ran completely contrary to the goals of the BLM leadership in Dallas. Why in the world would you want someone firing into YOUR crowd? If it were not for the fast and courageous action of the Dallas Police Department, many others may have been murdered. Moreover, it gives racists an opportunity to claim BLM wants a "race war."
I talked to someone who was THERE and she told me the BLM leadership made it extremely clear that the DPD and DART police officers whom they encountered were not the enemy. Before the shooting started, participants took many photos posing with the officers and the mood was quite unified.
You need to reconsider where you are getting your information. I'll be happy to reconsider where I gain my info, if you are willing to do likewise!
In case you didn't pick up on the gist of this OP ... it was a suggestion based upon what I see as the problem, and how we COULD elimiinate the problems being caused by protesters! Unfortunately, peaceful protesters would in fact be subjected to the same suggestions, because a few rotten apples have made the right to assemble a tense event, and it has become necessary to make changes to protect ALL Americans! My post was a SUGGESTION, like your points are a suggestion!
Thanks for making your views known, BB! KNow let's get back to reality and admit, my suggestions will never come about, because this country is leaning so far to the left, that they would rather let people shut down freeways, and put our public servants, business owners (during riots) and the public in general at risk, so that a few ROTTEN APPLES can express themselves, by assembling and turning that assembly into a riot (not all the time, but you must admit, everytime BLM assembles, the tensions are high, and the possiblity of a riot are there for the asking. It just takes a few well places anarchists to tuen the tension into an all out riot). IMHO, you take too much of what I said tooooooo seriously! Shalom!!