Well, no, John doesn’t write in chronological order. He writes in repeating themes. That is clear both in his Gospel and in Revelation.
The opening scene in heaven is the Great Throne Judgment. In Roman times, this was a common occurrence, and everyone hearing this description would have immediately recognized it.
There were two types of scrolls with 7 seals that could be presented at the trial; death penalty cases and wills. Each seal had a short summary written outside the seal of the contents of that section. Only authorized people could break the seals.
So, this scene is both a trial and the execution of a will. The trial deals with the history of mankind, of Satan’s opposition to God and His people, of those who followed Satan. The will deals with Christ and His redemption of His people.
Everything revealed when the seals are opened has already occurred in reference to the “trial” being described by John in Heaven.
The final verdict is Christ rules in heaven, His people have joy and peace; those who died as martyrs are honored by ruling with Christ (in heaven) for 1000 years.
Satan, his demons and all those deceived into following him are punished in the lake of fire for all eternity.
hope that helps
peace to you
That is a personal opinion.
The GWT has always been in heaven and on the earth since creation. The base of the throne is on earth and the face of God can be seem from earth and from heaven. At least if one can see the spiritual reality all around us. In our current condition we are spiritually blind.
One may infer from their theology that John enters a courtroom setting. Satan has been accusing the saints nonstop since deceiving Eve. Satan is not currently bound, and has had access to this throne room day and night. Jesus was the advocate in the OT and since the Cross in 30AD. The only time He was absent was from his conception in the womb of Marry, until He ascended in Acts 1. Jesus was the Word. Jesus had a physical body with all the scars of the Cross since creation. Jesus was symbolically the Lamb since creation.
Did John see all of time since creation? That is a possibility. I think John is one of the 4 witnesses in that heavenly "Throne Room".
So John was there and saw it all, as stated. But you have limited your interpretation to Revelation only covering the last 1993 years, and counting.
Revelation 12 goes back and covers Israel since the first government mentioned in Daniel 2 and the image in that dream. The dragon is John's version of that image. John shows us the 6th kingdom, that not even the OT prophets could see. Rome was the 4th kingdom. Then the ten toes was the kingdom from Rome until the Reformation, the 5th kingdom from Daniel. But John saw the Reformation and the 6th kingdom which is mortally wounded at some point. Be that from the revivals of the last 300 years or the Second Coming itself, we are not told. But this 6th head has not been a major world leader, and has a mortal wound that is healed after the Second Coming. Then Satan is the 7th head, the 8th kingdom that may happen. So yes John acknowledges history, but not how you seem to imply.
We should know that according to Daniel the first 5 empires were destroyed and no more since the church represents that stone cut out that destroys this image via the ten toes. 5 are fallen, one is, and one is to come, but for a very short time span. In Christ, the church spread like a mountain filling the earth, post the Reformation. Even though there has been waves of influence from the Word since Israel was dispersed in 720BC. None so powerful as the Gospel spreading after the Reformation.
So if you want to limit your scope and interpretation of Revelation as simply Jesus reigning, church being persecuted, Satan and company deceiving humanity, then a victory, that is fine. Those things do and will happen, but I think you are missing the vast majority of God's plan and the best is yet to come.