for since through man is the death, also through man is a rising again of the dead, for even as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all shall be made alive, and each in his proper order, From 1 Cor 15:21,22,23
There is an order, in which man is made alive, out of the death, that came through man.
Around 2000 years ago, the man Christ, was made alive, resurrected out of the dead, to die no more. That man 40 days later ascended to heaven.
That was order No. 1.
When that man comes again, those who have the first-fruit of the Spirit, those in Christ will, in his presence will be made alive.
That is order No. 2.
Then the end. The end of what? The end of being made alive.
Order No 3.
But what does the Word say must take place before the rest of the dead are made alive.
Christ must reign and all things be put under his feet with the last thing being done away, death.
And Rev 20 tells us that Christ and those made alive in his presence rule for 1000 years and then the rest of the dead are made alive.
Then the kingdom is delivered up to God even the Father.
Christ, 2000 years later those who are Christ's, 1000 years later the rest of the dead.
The order of man being made alive out of the dead.
For all, yes or no. Is that what the Word of God states?