AresMan said:
Tithing is neither "spiritual" nor a "principle." It was a specific and detailed ceremonial agricultural "tax" and "welfare" law system for the nation of Israel. There is no legitimate Scriptural reason to derive anything "magical" about the tithe apart from its specific instances in Biblical history. What we erroneously call "tithing" today has zero to do with what actually took place in the Bible.
Tithing is part of the Law and scripture says "...the law is spiritual...". So that means you wrong, at least if we hold scripture to be true. But I said it holds spiritual principles, it is sad you have no understanding of stewardship for that is ONE of the priniciples which tithing taught in the OT. So there again, great Ares, you are wrong a second time.
No one said anything about 'magical' or mystical or any other such non-sense. But your vast ignorance or obstanance in acceptance of the testimonies of countless hundreds of thousands if not millions who do tithe and Gods honoring of it stands in square refute to your claim of deriving : "...anything "magical" about the tithe
apart from its specific instances in Biblical history". That makes three out of three. I would love to hear you refute and dispove those testimonies of those beloeved saints who placed their faith in Gods promise and watch God bless. But hey, you are free to stand where you want.
Tithing has zero to do with Christians or the church. It is not a command, obligation, suggestion, or spiritual threshhold of any kind whatsoever. Giving a tenth of one's net/gross/gross+benefits income to something is simply a matter of preference, equally such as any other amount or percentage.
Really? Can you show me where tithing was done away with. If you say it was under the law, then I must also bring the law to bear against you. For the law declares we shall not lie, lust, murder... these things are under the law. And if you say THOSE are spiritual laws. Then what of the laws like women are to be in silence in the Church AS SAYETH THE LAW. The Law set forth men in spiritual leadership role of priest and it maintains toward the bishop/Elder/Pastor. Jesus never spoke against the tithe but said ...these things (tithe) you aught to have done and NOT LEFT THE OTHER undone... Paul nor Peter never spoke against tithing There are many things OF the Law that we are still to uphold. I'm not saying we are to tithe to maintain the law.
But it IS OF NOTE, that the priests were partakers of the tithes and was the way God provided for them and was also used to provided for the temple maintance as well as provisions for the poor, fatherless, and widowed. And then Paul states when speaking of Pastors that they are to be taken care of from the things that are given to the church, and in other places that we (the church) are to care for the poor, fatherless, and widowed. Why did Paul think the OT view of tithing was a proper illistration (which supported the priests and community) to be used for the NT church. We don't tithe! We give when we feel moved.
All giving that is (1) done cheerfully and (2) meets needs is Biblical giving.
Anytime you relinquish ownership of something (including tithing) you are giving. When you give you are to give (relinquish your ownership to another) it cheerfully back unto the Lord for it IS His(what is this - money desigated or holy unto God, that is awefully close to definition of the tithe). However, that aside... Tithing falls under 'Biblical Giving". We are not bound to the law anymore as believers but we must still abide by it, even beyond the basic 10 commandments.
Because the Holy Spirit leads? The real question should be "What can I give cheerfully and abundantly that will meet the target need that is neither insufficient nor irresponsible?"
No, that is not. It still makes you soveriegn and God your little helper. The real question is the FIRST HALF of your question: "What can I give cheerfully and abundantly?" My time? Money? Resourses?
I have yet to find someone give cheerfully and abundantly to a need irresponsibly. You can not give irresposibly if you are giving according to the leading of God or a need. It is only considered irresponsible to those who exhalt money to equal status with God. Regarding insuffient? I can not pay for a person to get a badly needed car because their only broke down. But if I give to the church and others do the same, THAT money cumulitivly can bless that person. There is NO SUCH THING as insuffient when it comes to the body, only those of little faith.
We give to the local church to meet its expenses. We should also give to other things and people where there is need. There is, however, no threshhold for any entity. The local church is not mandated to be a proxy through which all (or any particular amount) must be given.
And how do you tally up the expenses? Do you wait to see what the bill will be the seek to meet that need individually?
We do not give to the local church to meet its expesense. Show me THAT in scripture. We give to the local that it can meet needs of people as one body unified in Christ AND to support the ministries and mission which God has set forth in and for that Church.
Really. Please show me where it is something we should not do.