New Member
We don't observe all those ceremonies, feasts, etc., because Paul specifically said they were gone for us.
This is a scenario out of my own mind:
Paul wrote that we should give "as God as prospered us." I can hear somebody say, "OK Paul, I understand that, but I have a question. What portion of our increase should we give?"
I'm wondering how Paul would address that question. Would he say, "Well, just give what you think is right."?
Or, might he say, "Well, we Jews, when we were under the law, we gave 10 per cent. But that's gone. And you're not Jewish. Just give what you can."
Or, might he say "You're not under the law any more, you're under grace. But I can tell you if you're looking for a guideline, I can point you to the tithe mentioned in the law."
Somehow, I have difficulty believing that Paul would tell his Gentile converts, "Sorry, you're on your own on this question."
Show me where the NT names what we are not to follow from the OT. Show me where it says the sabbath has passed away and we are not to keep it. Just believe what is written in the NT and stop trying to drag the OT into it. The tithe is gone and we are under free will cheerful heart giving with no pressure from anyone or anything.
KJV2Cor 9:7
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
The problem is that many teachers and Pastors have lied to the people for so long that the people are like those who are caught up in brain washing. The depth of it runs so deep it is difficult to believe the truth even when read in the bible.
Again I challenge anyone who is caught up in the tithe or who bases their giving on the tithe in any way to set it aside next time you give and follow the NT command for giving and give only from the heart the amount you want from a cheerful heart and see the true joy of giving. BY the way the word for cheerful is a word that means hilarious. It is like saying please! please! take this I want you to have it from the bottom of my heart. Give like that and learn the true joy of giving, but don’t give a penny more then you can do so cheerfully. NO GUILT GIVING!