I would say, Alex, to read all the first 3 chapters of Romans at one sitting when you have time. Don't look for single points but try to get an overall impression. The way I see it, Jews seemed to be very proud that the Law had been given to them. But Paul says that it did them no good because they didn't keep it. Romans 3:9 to the end of the chapter shows the state of all mankind. It's not saying you personally have done everything mentioned but the point is we have not kept the Law.
The problem is the "The soul that sinneth, it shall die". From Adam and Eve being kicked out of the garden to Jesus the Bible is a story of man failing to do the simplest and most plain commandments of God, if not outright rebelling against God. You will find in your studies that there is no remedy for offending a holy God, except blood sacrifice.
You can read Luther, who was a serious Catholic monk, or Bunyan, the Puritan, and they both had the same thoughts as you. In Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan says that he decided first to stop sinning and do right by God. But he discovered that 1. He could do nothing to get forgiveness for the debts he already owed. 2. He found that no matter how hard he tried he kept sinning in some way - piling up more sin that he could not pay for.
I read Romans many times and I know very well that is written in it.
But the purpose of the single points is to show that at least we can observe something from the Law that we able and willing to fulfill.
It is also written that if one Statutes of the Law is broken, entire Law is broken as well (I am paraphrasing).
Is any one who ever lived on Earth completely fulfill the Law (except Christ)? Not one.
Even angels are not perfect in GOD'S sight, how much more human beings! GOD Father knows that, and Jesus Christ knows that.
But it does not means that the Law should be abandoned and forgotten, otherwise with what kind of moral standards we would direct our life?
Law is the directional sigh standing on the intersection of crossroads of our life and pointing to a way leading to GOD.
But what it means striving in perfection in GOD? It means to do our best observing the Law as much as we can.
Personally I noticed in myself how much progress I have in learning the Law, starting from very little, and now understanding and observing much more than before, which is changed my life completely. And more I study the better my life is, and I feel blessed like never before.
What it has to do with the Blood of Christ? It gave me continuation of life and enough time to learn and live according to His Commandments, and be acceptable as a follower of the Son of GOD. In other words, became believer in Christ.
Christ was the Sacrifice for my sins instead of me, and His Sacrifice allowed me to live and change my life for better, toward GOD, and now I am growing in Christ, living and observing His Laws as much as I can. I am not perfect but strive to higher perfection in Christ's Commandments.
Of course it applies only to me. May be other people have different way dealing with the Law and believe in Gospel and GOD, but this is my way to achieve greater perfection in following Jesus Christ.
I do not force anyone to read my posts and statements or to be agree with me on everything, but I feel that it is my right to share my experience in Christ with others which is my obligation as a Christian.
Commenting on your second paragraph you mentioned well known formula, blood must be shed for sin.
Yes, and Christ shed His Blood for all. And I assume that you think that because of the Blood of Christ we are all saved for Eternal Life and the Law no longer plays important part in our lives, but only Blood of Christ. Well, I respect you opinion, but my opinion is different and it also based on the Scriptures of the Bible, just like yours.
You ask me to read Romans, I did, now please read these quotes where Christ talking about Hell and who will be in it.
If blood of Christ saves all, why some people still ending in Hell?
Matthew 5.22.29-30, 7.13-14.21-23, 8.11-12, 10.28, 13.41.49-50, 18.8-9, 23.15. Mark 9.43-48, Luke 13.26, 16.23-28.
Matthew 25.41.46
41."Then He will say
to those at His left hand, ‘You that are accursed, depart from Me into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.
46.And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the
righteous into eternal life.”
Does righteousness comes from the Blood of Christ or from the Law of Christ?
Concerning your third paragraph, experience of one man not necessary the same as of another man.
If you feel that it relates to you, no problem, this is your personal experience.
My experience is different, and so of others, and because of it the Blood of Jesus Christ and His Law are not the same shoe, the size of which fits all.