Alex. For gentiles the ceremonial laws were indeed abolished. I don't know what your background is but I know there is a lot of confusion regarding "doing away with the law". As a means of attaining a righteous standing before God it is done away with. I agree with those who believe that it is still a rule of life though. And that is not universally held among Protestants nowadays even though it is still in the WCF.
Also, when people on here are adamant about "no good works allowed" they are usually talking about justification. I believe that justification occurs with no works being involved at all. Most reformers, including Calvin and Luther, taught that the Catholic church had combined justification with sanctification which at the level of clergy can lead to wrong teaching for sure. But they also taught that justification and sanctification, though separate in definition cannot be pulled apart and you must have sanctification that follows justification. Sanctification does have the direct involvement of us and does include good works but also a killing of sin and pursuit of holiness. Based on this, a lot of Puritan writers flat out said that "good works" are indeed necessary for salvation.
Hi DaveXR.
You wrote:
"Also, when people on here are adamant about "no good works allowed" they are usually talking about justification. I believe that justification occurs with no works being involved at all."
To be Justifying people of GOD and the candidates for salvation on our words alone without Good Works which is proof of our Faith in GOD is pretty much equivalent to one who promise you love forever, but married you only for money.
Concerning sanctification, yes indeed, some people in the Bible have been sanctified even before they even able to do anything good in the name of GOD, they have been sanctified purely according to the spiritual condition of their heart that the Lord GOD foreseen in them ahead of time.
These are very special people whom GOD predetermined and appointed for certain tasks. These exception shall not generalized as a public domain, but treated as exceptional cases.
Concerning different denominations and their point of view on justification and sanctification, it is mostly they own traditions and doctrines that are not Biblical in their essence.
Concerning Justification.
To Romans 2.13
13.It is not the hearers of the Law who are righteous in GOD’S sight,
but the DOERS of the Law who will be Justified.
(Luke 6.46-49) (Romans 2.13) (James 1.22-25)
James 2.21.24
21.Was not Abraham our father
Justified by WORKS when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?
24.You see that a man is
Justified by WORKS and not by faith alone.
25.And in the same way was not
Rahab the harlot also
Justified by WORKS ...
Galatians 3.8
8.And the scripture foreseeing that
GOD would justify the Gentiles by Faith, declared the Gospel beforehand
to Abraham saying, "All the Gentiles shall be blessed in you."
(Genesis 12.3, 18.18, 22.18, 26.4, 27.29, 28.14) (Numbers 24.9) (Acts 2.39, 3.25) (Galatians 3.8)
And as have been said that Faith without Works is dead (
James 2.26), so Justification of our belonging to GOD requires Works of Faith.
Luke 16.15
15.And He said to them, "You are
those who Justify yourselves in the sight of men, but GOD knows your hearts, for, that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of GOD."
Romans 3.30-31
30.Indeed, GOD Who will
Justify the circumcised by Faith and the uncircumcised through Faith, is One.
Do we then nullify the Law through faith? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the Law.
Let see that the Bible said about Consecration:
Exodus 19.10
10.the Lord said to
Moses, "Go to the people and
consecrate them today and tomorrow.
Have them wash their clothes,"
Exodus 20.11
11."In six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the sea and all that is in them, but rested the Seventh Day, therefore
the Lord blessed the Sabbath Day and consecrated it."
This is why those who observe Sabbath specially Blessed and Consecrated and that Holy Day automatically, by default.
Exodus 22.31
31."You shall people
consecrated to Me, therefore
you shall not eat any meat that is mangled by beasts in the field, you shall throw it to the dogs.”
And so many other similar Laws of Moses are written in the Bible where people consecrated and keep themselves consecrated by bathing in the water (early Baptism).
But concerning the New Testament, consecration in general done through Baptism, Spiritual Circumcision, and by Holy Spirit, not by default.