Originally Posted by
You have only copy and pasted an introduction.
You don't know what Moody believes because you won't read the rest of the sermon. You are still ignorant as to what he believes on the sabbath. What a pity that you misrepresent him so.
Hint - count the number of times Moody mentions the Sabbath - to see what HE is claiming about HIS views of it.
You claim it is not honest to state that Moody claims to accept, defend promote and affirm the Sabbath of the 4th commandment.
Now let's read the text "And see" if that claim of yours holds up to the actual facts.
The Sabbath was binding in Eden, and it has been in force ever since. The fourth commandment begins with the word remember, showing that the Sabbath already existed when God wrote this law on the tables of stone at Sinai. How can men claim that this one commandment has been done away [FONT="]
with when they will admit that the other nine are still binding?[/FONT]
As long as you continue to quote Moody I will allege that you are dishonest man
As if that is actually working for you.
But the unbiased objective reader can actually "read" in the text what Moody says HE is claiming on this subject.
HE claims it is the Sabbath given to mankind at Eden.
HE claims "
The Sabbath was binding in Eden, and it has been in force ever since. The fourth commandment begins with the word remember, showing that the Sabbath already existed when God wrote this law on the tables of stone at Sinai. How can men claim that this one commandment has been done away [FONT="]
with when they will admit that the other nine are still binding?[/FONT]"
That is an inconvenient detail in a quote of MOODY - not a quote of ME.
Every time this inconvenient fact comes up - you solution cannot be to call me names for bringing it up. Is simply does not work.
and misrepresent a man who believes doctrine totally opposite of yours.
Here you are totally wrong.
SOME of what Moody believes on this subject IS TRUE even by MY standards.
Namely these points.
"The Sabbath was binding in Eden, and it has been in force ever since. The fourth commandment begins with the word remember, showing that the Sabbath already existed when God wrote this law on the tables of stone at Sinai. How can men claim that this one commandment has been done away [FONT="]
with when they will admit that the other nine are still binding?"[/FONT]
The part I have said FROM The START that I do not agree with - is the idea of changing/editing the Law of God to point to some other day - via man-made-tradition.
What is your response to the up front - obvious - irrefutable statements I keep making in that regard?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
As if that solves your problem or even makes sense.
Here is your own words - edited to make that actually correct from my POV:
Moody defines THE CURRENT form of Sabbath AFTER the Cross as the first day of the week, or the Christian Sabbath and BEFORE the cross as Saturday - the Sabbath as God gave it in Gen 2:3.
2. Moody, himself, works on "the very Sabbath" (SUNDAY) he advocates others to rest and HE claims SATURDAY as HIS Sabbath.
3. Sunday, the Christian Sabbath, is a day of worship. That is what Moody is advocating, to set aside a day for Christians to worship.
So what we see is that your list is almost the same as the one that I have been promoting for Moody - but you once again leave out "inconvenient details" even in your list.
4. Moody does not keep the Sabbath in a legalistic way and neither do SDA's. It is a day set aside for worship.
Moody is WRONG in one point: The Bible teaches that the Sabbath is NOT just a principle of setting aside one day in seven where MAN picks the day. It is the principle that GOD ALONE can choose the day, can sanctify the day can make it a binding Bible command.
5. Moody's one error is that he imagines that the Sabbath is not a specific day that is even important here. Moody works on Sunday, and rests on Saturday. He sets one day out of seven for rest. How is that keeping the Sabbath except to rest on one day out of seven.
DHK asks
There is no way that he believes in keeping the Sabbath in the way that you have been saying.
In your model of "making stuff up" you "make up" the idea that I have ever said that there is no difference in my keeping the Sabbath and the concept of "editing -changing- bending" the Sabbath to point to another day - that the Baptist Confession of Faith - and D.L. Moody have promoted.
You have been dishonestly misrepresenting ME.
I request that you stop doing so.
Deliberately misrepresentation is slander. It is sin.
The debates I have had with Biblicist and repeatedly with you SHOW time and time again - where I differ with Moody and the Baptist Confession of Faith - on that ONE point.
But on many of their other points - where you are at war with them and I am not - I DO agree with them.
Incredibly obvious - beyond all doubt to the objective unbiased reader.
Each time I post this inconvenient detail - you ignore it and then "circle back" to calling me "dishonest" making your tactic of "making stuff up" about me claiming that Moody has the same "no change in the day from the one that God gave in Gen 2:3: as I do. A point claim I have never made - but one that you conjure up so that you can accuse me of being dishonest - for doing what you only wish to imagine that I might do.
NEVER do you provide a quote for that false accusation.
in Christ,