At least the Palins are going to stick together as a family. In this day and time it would be so easy and legal to murder this baby while it is still in the mother's womb. There are those who claim to be immune from supporting the sin of a party that says it is legal to kill over 4,000 American babies a day. Simply, by claiming they themselves to be against abortion.
They are simply fooling themselves. When choosing to support the murder of babies in the womb by vote of party lines, they who do so try to justify by politics, preferred lifestyle, hatred for those in disagreement or any other foolish reasoning. They themselves are guilty of the very murder that they evilly proclaim. While I truly cannot understand these actions by so-called Christians, I pray for them daily.
Romans 1:18-22, describes such a being.
They are simply fooling themselves. When choosing to support the murder of babies in the womb by vote of party lines, they who do so try to justify by politics, preferred lifestyle, hatred for those in disagreement or any other foolish reasoning. They themselves are guilty of the very murder that they evilly proclaim. While I truly cannot understand these actions by so-called Christians, I pray for them daily.
Romans 1:18-22, describes such a being.