There is and always has been climate change.It is a myth, a very destructive myth that there is no climate change.
The dispute is over TREND and CAUSE.
The issue of Climate Change has been infected with the disease of politico so it is now difficult to discern the truth from distortions, exaggeration, hysterics, etc...
There is another theory of cause and trend in the dispute - Internal Solar Activity and Subsequent Bombardment of Particles upon Earth's Upper atmosphere
Both the Sun and the Earth are sources of heat that power an interconnected set of dynamic systems (lithosphere, hydrosphere & cryosphere, atmosphere, biosphere).
Within the Sun, heat is transferred by radiation and convection, which involves circulation of hydrogen ions. Within the Earth heat is transferred by conduction and convection, which involves circulation of silicates in the mantle and the crust, and by the circulation of iron in the liquid outer core. On the surface of the Earth and the atmosphere, heat emanating largely from the Sun is transferred by convection, which involving the circulation of water and carbon. Both the Sun and the Earth and their atmospheres are layered. Both systems evolve and change.
Sun-Earth Interaction
No sooner mention that reality and a bevy of opposing articles come forth.
Then vice versa, ad naseum...
Personally, I believe our sun is aging normally and the main source of climate change is due to the significant internal changes within the sun and the relationship of our interconnected atmospheres.
I also have no doubt that human activity (burning fossil fuels) impacts the total picture.