Did you study WHY Europeans fled to North America? The part that the Anglican Church played in the Scottish and Irish and Separatist persecutions?
For my own part (as a Caucasian Protestant of Welsh decent), my grandfather came to the United States in 1909 at the age of 7 following the death of his family from lack of health care in Manchester where they went to work in the British Arms industry. So we never even saw a Native American, and there really is nothing new under the sun.
Yes. I do study real history - of people rather than the big names. Earlier English/Welsh history is linked on the Baptist history forum, so I'll start with the date everyone knows - 1066 when William the conqueror defeated the Saxon king Harold (my middle name) & effectively annexed the whole country, which was divided up among his war lords.
The population became serfs, owning nothing & required to work & fight for the landowners & build their castles. The RCC gained power & cathedrals & churches were built as prestige structures. What the lords didn't own, the RCC did. Common people had no rights.
Wycliffe & others (Lollards) spread the Gospel & the newly translated Wycliffe Bible, hand copied, but this was against the RCC who burnt any copies they could find. Even so, there are over 100 copies in existence. That was 150 years before Luther's reformation.
The Reformation in England was at the will of the king, Henry VIII who wanted a divorce. The church & monastery lands & riches were appropriated by king & nobles with no benefit to the people.
The Church of England continued the policy of the RCC & the Reformed churches in persecuting independents & baptists, though there was some freedom of religion while Elizabeth was queen when the Puritans were prominent.
James (of the 1611 KJV) did not allow freedom, so the Pilgrim Fathers started the emigration to the American colonies in 1620. You may know better than me the extent to which those seeking religious freedom allowed it. And how you gained the land for yourselves as you went west. And the present conditions for the poor, the Negroes & native Americans.
The civil war of the 1640s result in the defeat & execution of King Charles. (Kill one king & you've immediately got another.) The people having fought for their landowners (many Puritans) hoped for a share of the spoils. Levellers & Diggers tried to take over common land for their own use as collectives. The land owners had control of the army, so the people were frustated.
After the restoration of Charles II, there was a serious crackdown on non-conformists & dissenters, who were subject to fines & imprisonment, including John Bunyan & Isaac Watts' father who was in prison for preaching the Gospel when Isaac was born in 1674. The Welsh border valleys (where I now live) became a refuge for dissenters & American baptists trace their roots to this area. Only with the 1689 revolution did dissenters have freedom of worship. Legal marriage was still a problem as only Anglican priests could solemnise marriage, & most insisted on Anglican baptism. Universities were closed to dissenters. Everyone had to tithe to the local vicar.
All this time the common people were subject to the land lords, their hovels were tied to the father being able to work, & children started work at a very young age. Girls became servants to the lords & were dismissed when they became pregnant. Queen Elizabeth legislated against "sturdy beggars" who were fit for work but for whom no work was available.
The oppression of the Scots & Irish have been particularly cruel, but while that is common knowledge, the plight of the English farm laborers & factory workers is less well known. The establishment of work houses for the destitute meant families were separated, even aged couples. Prison for the poor.
Then the farm enclosures, & agricultural land became park for hunting.
They hang the man & flog the woman
who steal a goose from off the common,
but leave the greater villain loose,
who steals the common from the goose.
New laws support the enclosures & as folk became desperate, many were transported for petty "crimes." The means of basic subsistence was removed from the people, & what mean wages were paid were linked to long hours.
There was a "3 acres & a cow" call, for the break up of estates & distribution of land. Then we had WW1 which resulted in the slaughter of vast numbers of youngsters, including many country folk despairing of farming. Sacrificed for the pride of the royal families on both sides.
The enemy isn't the other side ....
the enemy is the ruling class.
Remember the the account of the 1914 Christmas fraternization? Some were too slow to return to the trenches, & were shot. I'm wearing a white poppy this year.
In short (!) 1,000 years of monarchy has basically kept the British people suppressed, with little room for initiative & working out of poverty. The 30 years of Socialism after WW2 which My generation benefited from is fast being reversed. Youngsters do not have the prospects we had 40-60 years ago. Profits are being hoarded rather than reinvested in staff & conditions. Students get loans rather than grants - loans that can take a lifetime to repay as employment is limited.
1,000 years of capitalism has failed, & the 30 years of Socialism we are benefiting from is rapidly being eroded. Vote for true Socialist Jeremy Corbyn.
You need a political party that represents the people of America.