Certainly it is biblical. Consider the facts.
1. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
--She had been hearing the Word of God, the Gospel, for three years, but had been rejecting it. what gospel? A gospel of sinner's prayers?
2. Salvation comes by grace through faith: sola gratia, sola fide. And the object of faith must be Christ. sola Christos. By grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. That is the teaching of Eph.2:8,9.
3. That salvation described in that passage is to be received as a gift. It is the gift of eternal life mentioned in Romans 6:23 - this is out of context; John 5:24; John 10:27-29. It is the gift of God, and it must be received by faith.
We are justified by faith and faith alone.
other than your out-of-context reference to Romans 6:23, you're pretty well on track with the above
The prayer is a vehicle to express that faith. I would dare say that most people have been saved because they have prayed, and asked Christ to save them.
The bolded parts are in total conflict. You had just said that we're justified BY FAITH, AND FAITH ALONE.
An "expression" of faith would be AFTER faith. So, if one is justified already by faith, then it's done before the prayer.
Or would you want to revise what you wrote previously and say we're justified by faith AND expression of that faith?
Scriptural proof:
Remember that when Luke records events he doesn't record every detail.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved..."
Inferred then, is that he obeyed Paul, prayed, and believed, and thus was saved. They then went to his household where the gospel was preached again, and the rest of his household consequently believed. Prayer is a vehicle for the expression of one's faith.
--"Lord remember me when you enter into thy kingdom." That is a prayer.
The Ethiopian eunuch no doubt prayed. Philip said: "If thou believest, thou mayest." He then made a confession that Christ was Lord. Somewhere along the line something happened. Developing a personal relationship with Christ is a two-way street. It involves faith, the reception of salvation as a free gift from God. That had to happen before Philip would baptize the eunuch.
Sorry, sir. Inference is NOT proof. And I shudder to think that God would leave a matter of such gravity to inference.
When I got saved, it wasn't the prayer that saved
But you just said that most people are saved BECAUSE they prayed.
You can't have it both ways, man. The prayer saves or it doesn't. The prayer is EITHER the reason we are saved, or it is merely an expression of the faith by which one is justified.
In evangelism we always stress that.
But the person must ask, must receive the gift.
For as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name."[/quote]
Where does John 1:12 says anything about asking?
It would be nice if traditions weren't pushed onto the text. Oh, that's right. You see "inference"
But inference? really?
You know they (Mormons) don't have the truth. They believe the Book of Mormon above and beyond the Bible, a book full of heresies. Their prayers are to devils and not to God.
ok. But they prayed a prayer.
We all have our own testimony of how and when we were saved. You cannot deny one person's testimony of salvation based on your own experience.
I'm not discounting her testimony based on my experience. I'm discounting her testimony because I see no biblical basis for it.
Same with my own experience. There is no biblical basis for what I experienced as a 6 year old, a 12 year old, or any of the other 600-800 times I prayed that meaningless prayer.
I don't understand why it's hard for you and Steaver to understand that I'm discounting MY OWN experience, because it simply wasn't biblical. I mention my own experience to point out that we can't trust ANYONE'S experience if it's not biblical
I had not hoped in Christ for eternal life. It's that simple. I said a prayer hundreds of times, but had not hoped in Christ. Do you comprehend that?
This person rejected the gospel for three years, then the Holy Spirit convicted here while watching a Charismatic TV show, and she prayed a prayer and was saved.
That's not biblical. Plain and simple
If your theology doesn't fit, then so be it. You can't deny a person's salvation just because it doesn't fit into your paradigm.
It doesn't have to fit my paradigm. It only has to fit scripture- not inference
[FONT="]Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.[/FONT]
Wrong confession, wrong salvation, wrong context. You probably love verse 13 "Whosoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved"
Maybe you can answer what Steaver is trying to ignore. Why did Paul write in Romans 10:20 the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you're trying to tell me he meant in verses 9-13?
God was made manifest to those who DID NOT ask for Him. Wanna turn it into inference?
A person who comes to Christ comes as a sinner, a criminal before God with nothing to offer. Christ paid the penalty for his sins. He has nothing to give. He simply receives by faith the gift of salvation on the basis of the shed blood of Jesus Christ, and that wonderful grace that he has bestowed upon us.
The crux of the matter is - HOW does he receive it? BY faith, or by asking?
Faith is the substance of thing HOPED for. Faith and prayer are not synonyms. If prayer EXRESSES faith, then faith comes first.
God doesn't "try" to do anything. He either does or does not. He wouldn't be God if he had to "try." That is bunk. He gives us salvation based on the work of Christ.
Now you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. You have repeatedly INFERRED that God is trying to give us a gift, and that the onus is upon us to accept it.
He gives us the gift only if we're willing to do some work of righteousness to "receive" it, right?
There is works salvation which is no salvation at all--COC.
A prayer doesn't save. A prayer is a vehicle through which faith is expressed. If faith is not expressed then no one is saved. Faith is a prerequisite to salvation.
Scripture EXPLICITLY says baptism saves, that he who believes AND is baptized will be saved, etc etc etc
There is more explicit wording to support baptismal regeneration than there is to support petition regeneration. So why do you dismiss clearer wording in favor of inference ????
Why do you relegate baptism to being a work, and not prayer?
You, plain and simply, are not consistent