James, can you give us your evaluation of how one receives the Holy Spirit rebirth, the "when", the timing so to speak.
When Peter stood up and preached Jesus Christ crucified (Acts 2) and those listening were pricked in their hearts and asked "what shall we do?", did they ask this because unbeknown to them they had been born again while hearing the gospel, or did they ask this because they were not yet born again (saved) and were worried they had condemned themselves by rejecting the Christ?
James, the fact that they consented to Jesus' death is proof they did not believe on Him.
I'm still interested in your answer to my previous questions concerning the receiving of the Holy Spirit when I asked.....
I did answer, in post 97
look at Acts 10, where Peter preached at Cornelius's house. Verse 43 says "while he was still speaking" the Spirit came upon them.
There are several expressions in the NT which tell us what happens
2Tim 2:25 Come to a knowledge of the truth
Gal 3-2 believing what you heard
1Pet 1:23-25 Born again by incorruptible seed, the word of God, the good news
There are others, too. But not without the Holy Spirit convicting of sin and righteousness, and enlightening the mind. Arbitrarily? Not at all. The soil has a responsibility to be receptive (passive, not active) of the seed.
The Holy Spirit is in the world, convicting men and drawing them to Christ. He is not arbitrarily regenerating men, He is drawing men. How? Scripture doesn't say, as fat as specifics. But every believer can look back and recognize that God was "dealing" with him/her (imho).
I rely on Romans 1-4 for how it transpires, at least from our angle. Paul wrote that men are without excuse, that being a Jew didn't help, following the Law is futile. The bottom line of our condition is that we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Does a person have to hear this preached, or does the Holy Spirit "deal" with us independently of bad news preached? As far as I know, scripture is silent. I've heard testimonies both ways. Without explicit scriptural truth in the matter, who am I to say? But I always include it.
But He convicts men of sin. In some cases, years before they hear the good news. In my case, I had all the bad news I could handle from my earliest memory.
Then comes the gospel, the good news. Faith comes by hearing the word of God, men come to a knowledge of the truth, born again by incorruptible seed, the word of God which is preached.
That word is that Jesus died, bearing our sins in His body, to reconcile us to God. To redeem us from the Law with its demand for perfect obedience. To free us from the consequences of our sin. To become our substitute in death, to do on our behalf something we could never do for ourselves. To save us.
As the "seed" is strewn about, the devil snatches the word from some, to keep them from believing and becoming saved. How does this work? Deception, confusion, etc. Working to keep them thinking that their own efforts will appease God's righteous judgment. Some, who have been indoctrinated by an effort based "gospel" are offended by the preaching of the cross.
Some want to earn God's grace, while some want to do something to access it. Either one is futile.
For those who aren't rejecting the gospel, they are becoming persuaded. It's an inner persuasion, like an epiphany. The truth is sinking in, and they are becoming convinced. Not because of someone slick presentation of the gospel, but by the work of the Holy Spirit. But through the word which us preached.
They become believers. They don't have to decide, or "accept", or anything else which requires active effort. The Holy Spirit is doing all the work. Man's responsibility is to stop rejecting Christ's efforts on his behalf.
When someone believes the gospel, he has received to seed. Then, the Holy Spirit knowing the condition of each man's heart (soil), and the faith he has in Christ, God credits his faith as righteousness.
It's not by works of a man, it's by the work of the Holy Spirit.