I accept your nom de plume John, Thank you very much! (in my Elvis voice)
Given that most scholars would probably say that Revelation was written less than 10 years before 70 AD trying to use a 10 year time frame is a red herring in and of itself—but I think we can safely work with 10 years to prove a point to John since that is the time frame he is comfortable staking his argument on.
If the Old Covenant is about 1500 years old at this point and is going to end in 10 years then its remaining life span is 10/1500 = .007 of its total life span. Only 7 thousandths of its total life span remain before it is over.
From a relative stand point that would be a very short time span.
In the normal use of language 7 one thousandths of something remaining is an extremely short period of its life.
When Rev 1:1 says these things must soon come to pass then inspired scripture has defined soon in this instance and arguing it ain’t soon is to set yourself up above the truth of the Holy Spirit.
In my journey from being a dispy to a total preterist I always sought to find the truth where ever it lead and align my views with scripture and not force my views on scripture. Arguing against the specific words of scripture is the apotheosis of arrogance.
Revelation begins by saying these things must soon come to pass and near the end 22:10 it says don’t seal the prophetic words of this book because the time is near—you can’t wiggle away from the fact that imminence (soon-ness) is being communicated.
Stubbornly mounting your defense on nitpick definitions such as the number of years in “soon” is to willfully blind yourself to the real message being communicated which is imminence.
Even as far back as the baptizing work of John the Baptist he addressed the Pharisees and Sadducees Matt 3:7-10 as a brood of vipers and asked them who warned you to flee from the coming wrath (i.e. the destruction of the temple and the old covenant world of Judaism) and told them even now the ax is ready to strike the root of the trees. Hence 43 years from Jerusalem’s destruction the notion of imminent destruction is being conveyed.
And oh by the way John instead of being insulted by your remarks about my remarks I get a warm fuzzy from them…imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
Thank you so much kind sir.
Preterist extrordinaire Logos1
(I really like the sound of that John--thank you very much--you don't mind if I use it do you?)
I've made the point over and over on this thread, and preterist extrordinaire Logos1 won't even touch it.
So you tell me, how is ten years "soon"?
Given that most scholars would probably say that Revelation was written less than 10 years before 70 AD trying to use a 10 year time frame is a red herring in and of itself—but I think we can safely work with 10 years to prove a point to John since that is the time frame he is comfortable staking his argument on.
If the Old Covenant is about 1500 years old at this point and is going to end in 10 years then its remaining life span is 10/1500 = .007 of its total life span. Only 7 thousandths of its total life span remain before it is over.
From a relative stand point that would be a very short time span.
In the normal use of language 7 one thousandths of something remaining is an extremely short period of its life.
When Rev 1:1 says these things must soon come to pass then inspired scripture has defined soon in this instance and arguing it ain’t soon is to set yourself up above the truth of the Holy Spirit.
In my journey from being a dispy to a total preterist I always sought to find the truth where ever it lead and align my views with scripture and not force my views on scripture. Arguing against the specific words of scripture is the apotheosis of arrogance.
Revelation begins by saying these things must soon come to pass and near the end 22:10 it says don’t seal the prophetic words of this book because the time is near—you can’t wiggle away from the fact that imminence (soon-ness) is being communicated.
Stubbornly mounting your defense on nitpick definitions such as the number of years in “soon” is to willfully blind yourself to the real message being communicated which is imminence.
Even as far back as the baptizing work of John the Baptist he addressed the Pharisees and Sadducees Matt 3:7-10 as a brood of vipers and asked them who warned you to flee from the coming wrath (i.e. the destruction of the temple and the old covenant world of Judaism) and told them even now the ax is ready to strike the root of the trees. Hence 43 years from Jerusalem’s destruction the notion of imminent destruction is being conveyed.
And oh by the way John instead of being insulted by your remarks about my remarks I get a warm fuzzy from them…imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
Thank you so much kind sir.
Preterist extrordinaire Logos1
(I really like the sound of that John--thank you very much--you don't mind if I use it do you?)