You don't mind if I roll all your replies into one do you John
And, finally my dearest young Padawan—if I was going to write a reply for you to prove that you are a one trick pony and hopelessly out of your depth when not regaling us with your ability to channel the greek authors—I couldn’t have given any stronger testimony against you than you did to convict yourself in this post.
After the obligatory dog and pony show of your greek talents you have utterly failed to grasp the general concept of God and His relationship to sinful man.
That is your main problem my young Padawan—it’s not about getting lost in the details of greek translation—it’s about our relationship with God.
Feel free to use any term you want to describe Elijah and Enoch being carried into heaven. Heaven here can’t mean heaven as in the place where God dwells because until the atoning work of Christ is complete the sinful nature of man would prevent them from entering into God’s presence.
It’s laughable that you think you can bedazzle me with your greek skills to prove Enoch went to heaven before death while you conveniently ignore Hebrews 11:13 that says all these died after mentioning Enoch just a few verses before.
You are making my point for me when you cite the pagan god Baal being associated with controlling the weather and the related references such as cloudrider, chariot in the clouds, coming on clouds etc does not mean a literal, physical, historical appearance of a deity Christian or pagan being seen flying through the sky. Such being the case when the bible uses the term the Son of man coming on the clouds there is no precedence to believe Christ will be literally seen in the sky above.
Is it possible that you actually believe that the way you cherry pick verses out of Acts 1:1-11 and selectively apply meaning to them in order to twist them into meaning that Christ will physically, literally, and historically fly back down through the sky validates your supposition. Acts 1:1-11 taken as a whole doesn’t support that conclusion. The balance of the bible doesn’t support any such notion. Only someone who fixed the conclusion before reading the scripture could claim such an interpretation. LOL 2x.
First of all you quote me:
As for Christ accession every preterist I know of here repeatedly tells you we believe in the literal accession—you just don’t want to allow us to believe it.
Then you say “Please be clear. Do you believe in a literal, physical ascension of Christ to Heaven, or do you not?”
What language do I need to say it in for you to accept it? Futurist don’t own a literal ascension of Christ. I know Tom told you so and I have said it before but you only hear what you want to hear. You are a hoot John—you quote me on something then turn around and ask if I was saying it—do you think little green men hacked the BB and wrote my post for me? LOL 2x
I’ll close by saying thank you to all for your time and devotion in your posting here today.
Once again I'll skip the extraneous material, the silly SW stuff and the jealous insults about my Greek training, experience and ability.
You are misinterpreting John 3:13. First of all, the Greek term for "ascended" is anabainw, which is the term used for purposeful "going up" such as "going up to Jerusalem." The word used for Enoch being "translated" in Heb. 11:5 is metatiqhmi, a different word entirely. The point is that Jesus could go up to Heaven on His own, but Elijah and Enoch were taken up by the Lord--two different concepts. So simply because Jesus could ascend into Heaven on His own does not mean that no human other than Jesus ever went there. Other humans were taken there either miraculously like Elijah and Enoch, or at death.
That should be enough to prove my point, though I could also discuss the verb tense used.
First of all, I don't remember any preterist saying to me in particular that they believed in a literal ascension. Maybe you can give me a link on the BB to show they have. Secondly, you are using the word "accession" not "ascension." Why?
Please be clear. Do you believe in a literal, physical ascension of Christ to Heaven, or do you not?
I have no problem with Christ referring back to 7:13. And as I have pointed out contra your OP and your unsupported opinion, the pagan idea is Baal controlling the weather, not descending to earth "on a cloud" as you keep putting it. So the pagan belief is different from the OT passages, thus meaning they did not influence the Word of God. You've not yet answered this point--I don't think you can.
See my other post on Acts 1:11--Christ ascended physically to Heaven, according to Luke a historical event, so "this same Jesus" (outoV o ihsouV) will descend "in the same way" (outwV). That is a physical return clearly stated in the Word of God.
And, finally my dearest young Padawan—if I was going to write a reply for you to prove that you are a one trick pony and hopelessly out of your depth when not regaling us with your ability to channel the greek authors—I couldn’t have given any stronger testimony against you than you did to convict yourself in this post.
After the obligatory dog and pony show of your greek talents you have utterly failed to grasp the general concept of God and His relationship to sinful man.
That is your main problem my young Padawan—it’s not about getting lost in the details of greek translation—it’s about our relationship with God.
Feel free to use any term you want to describe Elijah and Enoch being carried into heaven. Heaven here can’t mean heaven as in the place where God dwells because until the atoning work of Christ is complete the sinful nature of man would prevent them from entering into God’s presence.
It’s laughable that you think you can bedazzle me with your greek skills to prove Enoch went to heaven before death while you conveniently ignore Hebrews 11:13 that says all these died after mentioning Enoch just a few verses before.
You are making my point for me when you cite the pagan god Baal being associated with controlling the weather and the related references such as cloudrider, chariot in the clouds, coming on clouds etc does not mean a literal, physical, historical appearance of a deity Christian or pagan being seen flying through the sky. Such being the case when the bible uses the term the Son of man coming on the clouds there is no precedence to believe Christ will be literally seen in the sky above.
Is it possible that you actually believe that the way you cherry pick verses out of Acts 1:1-11 and selectively apply meaning to them in order to twist them into meaning that Christ will physically, literally, and historically fly back down through the sky validates your supposition. Acts 1:1-11 taken as a whole doesn’t support that conclusion. The balance of the bible doesn’t support any such notion. Only someone who fixed the conclusion before reading the scripture could claim such an interpretation. LOL 2x.
First of all you quote me:
As for Christ accession every preterist I know of here repeatedly tells you we believe in the literal accession—you just don’t want to allow us to believe it.
Then you say “Please be clear. Do you believe in a literal, physical ascension of Christ to Heaven, or do you not?”
What language do I need to say it in for you to accept it? Futurist don’t own a literal ascension of Christ. I know Tom told you so and I have said it before but you only hear what you want to hear. You are a hoot John—you quote me on something then turn around and ask if I was saying it—do you think little green men hacked the BB and wrote my post for me? LOL 2x
I’ll close by saying thank you to all for your time and devotion in your posting here today.