I disagree UoT. He swore the following oath of office: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
No one can argue that Obama has done everything within his ability to preserve, protect and defend the CoUS. By allowing our borders to be over run by those living south of the border is not doing his best to preserve, protect or defend the Constitution, which has laws that require enforcement when it comes to immigration to this country!
Now some may say he is doing his able best, but if that is his able best, then we can impeach him for being incompetent in a time that requires a leader who can lead and ensure that America is safe from being overran by illegals that are surely hurting the ability of citizens to be gainfully employed; illegals that break whatever laws needed to remain in this country; commit crimes against citizens, sometimes crimes that end in murdering an American citizen [including DUIs, hit-and-runs, and driving without a license or insurance]; committing fraud to obtain services, especially medical services; bringing illness to the country [because they are not meeting the mandate to undergo a physical and be healthy]; failing to learn to speak English and assimilate; bringing weapons into the country with them and not registering said weapons; forging documents so they can assume the role of being a contributing citizen; having their children attend schools that require proof of citizenship!
I could continue, but you get the idea. In order to accommodate these folks, this POTUS and the last few, have gone out of their way to ignore immigration laws. Find ways to accommodate illegals, so they can remain here illegally [I believe this is aiding and abetting a crime in progress]. And failure to provide the ways and means to stop said illegal crossing of our borders, especially in time of war [granted not a war we proclaimed, but rather one that was proclaimed against us and demonsttrated by kiling Americans around the world], when enemies of this nation could easily cross over the border and pose a military like threat and danger to American citizens.