If you don’t vote, you are letting lost people, people in rebellion against God, make unGodly decisions about just about every part of your life, your family’s lives, your friend’s and neighbor’s, right on down the line.
I don’t want the lost setting policy for this nation. They have done so for much too long!
The World is ungodly. Both parties are, by definition, enemies of God.
If I vote for the DNC then I support that evil. I support demonic practices, demonic values, and a demonic platform. The DNC is a danger to our nation and by joining the DNC I would become an enemy of godly values.
If I vote GOP then I am uniting with ungodly people. I am supporting a party that is a wolf in sheep's clothing, a party that views Christianity, Islam, Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, etc. as equal. I would be supporting a party that is dangerous to American Christianity. I'd be supporting SSM, the normalization of homosexuality. I would become an enemy of the Chriatian faith.
The World WILL set the laws for the World. If you are interested in Ametican values, if you are a patriot, if you believe tge Constitution should be followed THEN you would want the government to be "of the people" rather than a Christian oligarchy.
An ungodly nation deserves an ungodly government. More than that, our republic, our US Constitution, demands that an ungodly people gets an ungodly government.
I refuse to disobey God by abandoning His command to be holy and separated unto Him. I refuse to disobey God by becoming a part of a political party seeking to dominate a worldly kingdom which Christ said is not His. I refuse to disobey God by judging the World. I refuse to become "of the World" even to do what would be good in the eyes of men.